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one of the greatest ppl i know :) i love him so very much and hope everything goes well for him in the future oh yeah and he is the best geometry dash player i know >:D one of my favourite person ever mwa mwa mwa

me: wanna know who my fav person is

random person: sure

me: kill/evan he is the coolest around :)

by Pissbaby<3 October 19, 2021

Hi evan

saying hi to the mighty evan. Evan is used for the best person to roam the earth

Me: hi evan
You: hi evan

by bunch crunch December 19, 2020

Evan Wright

The brilliant Evan Wright also known as The Writer and even Batman is friends with handsome detective Manny Pardo. Evan covered a story on the Masked Maniac instead of the far more sophisticated Miami Mutilator. The Writer also was in Nam back in 1985. Evan also cleared a bathhouse filled with Russian Mobsters without killing any of em (that first guy was totally sleeping). Batman also cleared a subway crawling with scum and persevered without a scratch.

Remember that time Evan Wright hung out with the Thick Skinned Detective Pardo?
Remember that time Evan Wright took out a dangerous gang in a subway by himself?

by MosbeyBarney July 17, 2019

ellie evans

a needy girl who has a short temper and cant take it when shes wrong she will sleep with anyone and everyone slag
picks and chooses her friends and always has to be leader she dumb and short and always switches up quickly also never lets anyone speak

girl proves ellie evans wrong

her im not wrong im never wrong !!!

by vaincunt January 11, 2020

Bradley Evans

Some cunt who doesn’t shave

Bradley Evans is a bit faggy

by Durnehviir July 25, 2020

Evan ig

A hot, inviting, mature, provocative, racy, seductive, sensual, sensuous, arousing, come-hither, cuddly, flirtatious, kissable, libidinous, provoking, risqué, slinky, spicy, steamy, suggestive, titillating, voluptuous male loved by everyone and well known. 6ft tall Football player at 14 years. Good boyfriend material.

Hey Evan ig!

by Halesdumbass October 6, 2021

Evan Out

To abscond. To leave hurriedly and secretly; typically to avoid a workout.

"We have a hard workout today"
"You think he will come?"
"He is probably going to Evan Out"

by parmsco December 5, 2015