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Fish Dong

The near-mythical largest of dongs. Generally so large that it can not and will not ever be used for fear of harming a living being. Also known as 'Skinny Man BuhdonkaCock' the Fish Dong is a Dong that long, that strong and will do a dance if you sing a song. More of a curse than a blessing it has bestowed strange powers of happenstance upon all those who have wielded it throughout time.

"The only reason Marks still a virgin is that Fish Dong he's packing between his legs. He'd split a girl open like a turducken with that thing."

by Das Bigly April 22, 2010

fish cuddles

Another term for having sexual intercourse, specifically with a girl who does not shower often.

"Yo, my parents are out of town and Mary is coming over tonight"

"Mack the fish cuddles! Mary is always down"

"Ya your right, do you have a condom?

by tong la February 22, 2011

touching fish

A work ethic based on laziness as protest against current work culture in which

high productivity is demanded without sufficient reward or incentive.

- Yo bro, where's Tony? He's been gone for 30 minutes...
- I think he's in the bathroom touching fish.

by Shizibizan January 19, 2021

Fishing the Gap

Technique used to pick up women at bars. Two friends sit one bar stool apart from each other, allowing a space for women to place their drink orders, and allowing each friend to have an advance at the women ordering.

Ryan and Shawn were Fishing the Gap at the bar last night and each picked up a hott girl to take home.

by aemcro052007 September 30, 2007

louis the fish

The fish from the absolute BANGER of a song 'adore you' sung by Harry styles.
Louis tomlinson is the fish.



Person: Hey, whats the name of the fish in the adore you music video

Me : oh its Louis the fish. Also known as Louis Tomlinson

by tommo tops August 24, 2020

70๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

sleep with the fishes

Killed and thrown in a river, ocean, water body.

"It's an old Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes." -Sal Tessio in The Godfather

by Resch17 August 11, 2005

613๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gone Fishing

1. To checkout from reality. To be unaware of what's going on.
2. To drop the duties of daily life and go do something else, something nice.

"Honey, you good to go? We agreed today we'd settle the dentist bill, buy new shoes for the kids, drink tea with my mom and then you'd clean the bathroom filter, remember? honey...? Are you there...?" Johnny was gone fishing.

by dadadal August 25, 2015

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