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Team carrier

1. To be the best player on your team so much that your skill and score hugely surpasses the rest so you win on your own.

2. Dale Lloyd

"Guys your K/D's are awful! It's okay, just climb on my back and I'll carry us to victory."
"There's Dale, being the team carrier again!"

by NotMyStatKing July 26, 2017

team wa

The act of being Wario and Waluigi on the same team in any given Mario game.

A: Lets be on a team, I'll be Wario.

B: And I'll be Waluigi. Hell yeah, Team Wa!!

by Frick Frack December 1, 2014

team tall

A community of tall women. The Tall Guides community goes by the name of #teamtall - a supportive and encouraging, women-only, tall group made up of thousands of tall women from around the world.

1. You're tall. You should join team tall on facebook
2. Team tall is an online tall community for women
3. Team tall are my people

by Spnash October 8, 2017

Team 9

Some weird group of 4th graders in early 2018, trying to be Team 10-(a group originally coming from YouTube around 2017-2018)

*no hate.*

Example 1-
Teacher: I heard there was some group going around called Team 9 and is being rude to other kids for not letting them be in the group.

Team 9: nope, don’t know what your talking about

Example 2-
Jaime: we should make a Team 9

Kimberly: erm idk

Jaime: okay im *team10 member*

Kid: can I be in it

Jaime: I don’t think you have the facilities for that big man

Kimberly: Oop—

by kmatches-1218 March 14, 2020

Team Bruh

A group made in October 2021 and consists of a bunch of newfags on the MCBE server CPE

Mike: Hey Aaron are u in the group Team Bruh?
Aaron: Hell no, they are a bunch of newfags.

by JustKai14 January 24, 2022

cheer team

people who you can bond with and call your family. people who will be there with you when you need them. people who you spend your life with because you are at cheer 24/7. a cheer team will be your best friends.

did you see how close that cheer team is?

by faithhhhh January 9, 2021

Team Monkey

A group of monkeys working in a team, usually a promo, data and copy

Liz,Nik and M classic team monkey

by Monkey magic land March 27, 2008