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mixed gender

Dick & Pussey

"I didn't realise she was mixed gender until it was too late"

by Mixiemax December 9, 2013

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The irrevocable mutilation of a healthy body by injecting profoundly incompatible hormones and/or surgical destruction of organs vital to reproduction, healthy body chemistry and overall well-being.

Those terrible Texas lawmakers think kids should to wait until they're 18 and have moved out their two moms' house before receiving gender-affirming health care.

by Eidako March 11, 2022

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gender fluid

Synonym for cum

Yesterday in biology class, we talked about gender fluid

by Urgot October 5, 2020

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Circle gender

You’re a fucking circle I guess? 🀷 β™€οΈπŸ€· ♂️

I identify as a circle gender? πŸ˜‚

by Wowwwiie February 21, 2019

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Gender Bet

A bet made by saying that one gender is better than the other

Joe: Oh man, I lost this bet that guys are better at wearing heels than girls and now i have to wear heels to school tomorrow
Duke: dude, why would you make that gender bet?

by TheMeeepMoop March 28, 2011

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Gender Traitor

Men who put women on a pedestal even if they are very bad people, defend them from all kinds of danger even unknown women who are not their family. Simps, manginas and cucks are a good example of this as well, as they allow themselves to be trampled and suffer all kinds of abuse and ridicule, even losing large amounts of money just to receive a little attention or false female affection. There are two types of gender traitors the tradcuck and the feminist men. Both allow themselves to be trampled, both give money and attention to women, and both would give their lives even for an unknown woman. Famous examples of this would be Johnny Depp for keeping quiet all that time and continuing to "love and respect women" and Will Smith who made a fool of himself worldwide by being protective when Chris Rock made fun of Jada even knowing that Jada had been unfaithful and had humiliated him on a previous occasion even during the scandal she left him to his own devices without helping him or defending him from teasing, he even said "I didn't ask him to defend me" The word is also used in season 7 of American Horror Story.

"That men has no self repect that woman is using him and he still loves her what a gender traitor"

by Blackpiller chad July 24, 2023

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Genderation X

Members of today’s society that are sexually confused. They don’t know what they are or which bathroom to use.

New York City now has a place on your birth certificate for Genderation X.

by Beardy1979 January 12, 2019

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