Someone who is so noncomformist that they are just like the rest of the people that are noncomformists. They deride anyone who does ANYTHING mainstream and disguise themselves and bohemians. They tell everyone that they are unique, when they are, in fact, just like every other hipster.
Trule, unique, free thinking individuals are special. Hipsters are bad caricatures of these people, and by simply being hipsters, are the embodiment of everything they dislike. They are their own joke.
Hipsters are also like the stem cells of every other 'counter culture'. Take a hipster, put an X on their hand, and they are straight edge for the day. Take a hipster, put a black sweater on them, and they are emo. Take a hipster, put a chain on their wallet and give them a pink t-shirt and you have this years mtv punk uniform. Unfortunately, this also means that hipsters are wishy washy in what they believe/think/want.
That dude that goes to punk shows and just stands there, doesn't move, and then complains that the band he is watching is too mainstream, commercialized, and conformist while trying to talk to the cute chick at the non-coporate, fair trade, organic, coffee house or Jamba Juice about the mainstream topic of the day. That dude's a hipster.
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Best known for walking out of an Urban Outfitters Catalogue. Female Hipsters tend to wear either 1. Leggings 2. Super skinny jeans 3. ballet flats 4. over sized sunglasses 5. and/or sporting a haircut with some kind of angled bang. Male hipsters are usually spotted wearing: even skinnier skinny jeans 2. iconic t-shirts 3. some subtle accessory like a leather bracelet or aviator glasses 4. and slightly tousled hair, that looks styled but greasy. (giving the illusion of not caring)
They are best known for being super exclusive and elitist and looking down on those who follow the trends dictated by the mainstream.
They also seem to miss the entire irony of how they buy thrift store" clothing from department stores. Just feeding into the "mainstream" culture of consumerism that they claim to be countering.
But getting to the heart of hipster culture, it should be understood that true hipsters care a lot but they don't care. I.E. itβs all about the image. They spend obscene amounts of time calculating their outfits, the bands they like, and the hobbies that they're into. However, they have to pretend that all of it bores them, and that it comes naturally... because only the coolest hipsters don't try, yet still manage to be subversive and hip.
They also tend to be seen in obscure Indie concerts, in their own bands, being DJ's, owning or working at "subversive" yet lucrative businesses like t-shirt printing shops, chain smoking, shopping at Urban Outfitters or H and M, attending liberal arts colleges, or playing competitive dodge ball (because itβs so lame its cool)
The Thoughts of a Hipster:
if its "cool" its lame, and if its dorky its amazing!
Therefore the hipest things ever have to be Mullets, Knee socks, and Barney the Dinosaur!
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Generation Y person born between about 1977 or 1978 and 1993 with yuppie parents who separates themselves on a pedestal from the rest of humanity due to their artistry and misery. This includes the subcategories of emo. This is what hippies were to the baby boomers-a rebellious gesture that is in actuality very unrealistic and became commercialized. In the same way that hippies and later punks stemmed, though in different ways, from the pursuit of materialism, hipsterness and its child of emoness stem from the search to be unhappy. Most hipsters as children were so provided for and sanitized that they have never experienced real need and unhappiness, and don't blame materialism because they have no knowledge of money and how it is used due to their parents. Most hipsters were born in the latter half of Generation Y, between 1985 and 1993. All are liberals, though they usually don't have any clue as to the reality of what they're talking about, and are either obsessed with politics or hold some stupid theory about how the beauty and sadness of life (etcetera, etcetera) is more important than politics, and they listen to only very cutesy, brainlessly stylized, confessional music without any honesty, only hipness. They cluster in certain areas like the South End in Boston and the Lower East Side/Alphabet City and Williamsburg in New York. Many are trustafarians, and all either adamantly reject or endorse drug culture, though next to none are in between.
Man, look at all those hipsters wearing scarves and acting better than everyone! These people are going to have control of this country some day....wait. I'm going to shoot myself.
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A child version of an more complete adult. They have a lot of great ideals, but don't realize that they will never transcend being nothing more than another trend. The hipster feels that you are either a hipster or a dumb fucking puppet conforming to society. All the while the hipster them self is a dumb fucking puppet conforming to society. Hipsters claim to be very open minded and love bragging about interracial relationships, but lump all frat boys and sorority girls into the "meat head" category, which is a different kind of bigotry. This is not bad, its just very immature. Kids act this way.
Adults like music that appeals to them. Adults listen to The Kooks, Beethoven, and Del The Funky Homosapian and maybe throw in some Kanye West, Pink, and Pearl Jam because they like the songs and don't give a shit who's judging them. Adults wear whatever they like, whether it be from a thrift shop, J. Crew, or Target because they like how it looks on them. Adults go to the gym because its healthy. Adults can go see "Wristcutters:A love Story" and then go see Iron Man because, fuck it, I felt like it.
Hipsters are generally kids who were shy and/or different as kids and they carried the subconscious resentment of not "fitting in" over to their young 20's and early 30's. Some Hipsters grow up around 35 when they realize that the world doesn't revolve around just them. Some don't, and they go on to be lonely senior citizen's.
Their are plenty of people who listen to indie rock, dress cool, and can recite poetry who are not Hipsters. Hipsters are the ones who all look exactly the same and harshly judge people outside of their clique.
Two guys are at a party. The Hipster is wearing a tight Tee and tight jeans and Buddy Holly glasses. The other is wearing madras shorts and a NY Yankees tee shirt.
Yankee: This Calvin Harris song is the shit.
Buddy Holly: I don't like it anymore, it's selling on iTunes. Who says "the shit"? Where are your Chuck Taylors?
Yankee: I like flip flops because they are really really comfortable.
Buddy Holly: I bet you like fake tits and date rape, too!
Yankee: Nope. Do you like the Yankees?
Buddy Holly: Sports is for the idiots that beat me up in High School, er, I mean... I don't follow sports. Sports are for meat heads.
Yankee: I like sports. I was going to see if you wanted my tickets to the game tomorrow because I'm going to an opening at a new gallery in Tribecca and can't make the game.
Buddy Holly: Anyone who would have a show in Tribecca is a sell out. You should come see the show at my apartment in Billyburg.
Yankee: Sounds cool. When is it?
Buddy Holly: Sorry. You can only come if you wear Chuck Taylors...
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noun mens someone who think they are cooler than you most of the time they are not. they are made of 5% body fat. they live in soho the art district in new york city good thing chinatown and little italy so mafia an yakuzas can kill them. they also claim that they liked somthing before it was popular even if they dont like it. in plain english they are douches
me: sweet new deadmau5
hipster: i liked him before he was cool
me:shut up hipsters dont like techno
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somebody who substitutes the word "cool" with "deck" and the word "lame" with "fin"
Hipster are aiight, scene kids are fin.
This is the motherfucking deck.
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An elderly person who has broken their hips, pelvis, or genitalia during the act of sexual intercourse.
Richard: "I became a hipster last night!"
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