a racial slur to call a spanish person with the name of jose, pedro, Alejandro
jose is a dumb stupid rabbit hooker
A sex worker who deals specifically with fetishes of the nose. This can include urethral insertion, or any other sexual gratification dealing with the nose/snot.
Did you see Bert last night?
Yup, that fat ass was nose deep in his booger hooker.
Shady or scandalous antics that are often typical of hookers.
He always fucks with hookers. When they roll him he acts shocked as if he's new to their hooker-antics.
The ATM machine nestled away in a corner of a hotel lobby, often used to procure currency to contribute to a nice young lady's college fund.
"A hundred bucks? OK see you in a bit." Commences to go to the Hooker ATM to withdrawal $100 before going back to his heel room.
Someone who crochets
Jenny is a knotty Hooker, she will crochet anywhere.
1. noun. someone who helps you work out your problems for money.
That feeling hooker really helped me get over that horrible break up.