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When you're still feeling good after the vibes of a certain event.

"Dude I'm still hung from last night, it was so much fun!"

by Mr. Tohoad March 20, 2020


Hung is from China. It is a common Chinese name for a man who is likes eating cheese. Hungs eat cheese all day and fart all night. He is a charming guy though. He has lots of friends and makes funny jokes. Hung hates mountain biking and will run over cyclists with his Honda. Hung loves shopping, he will go to the mall with you anytime and help you pick out the most fashionable clothes. He has a cool hair style too. Hung is a conspiracy buff too. He knows all the government secrets and has a full decked out bunker with 30years of stuff ready to go. Be his friend cuz he might save you during armageddon. Hung is a nice guy.

Girl: Hung gave me flowers, he's so nice

by nihaokonnichiwa February 5, 2021


Big penis for women to enjoy

He's hung like a horse

by Hungfarlow January 9, 2022


hung-go is the opposite of gung-ho...instead of getting sh*t done quick-like, being in a state of hung-go means you turned to a statue, can't get it done - hung-go is hung up on detail, perhaps, and in stasis.

submitted by taddy of depot moody...intended to submit it a year ago but was in a hung-go state

That project was being done gung-ho but now they've lost their mojo, the project is hung-go, not happening.

by taddy from depot moody November 11, 2017


The softest person in the world!
Sometimes fall asleep when texting his gf but it's okey :).

Be my everyday, Doan-Hung <3

by ntlqc1139 November 23, 2021


- the softest person in the world

Be my everyday, Doan-Hung!

by ntlqc1139 November 24, 2021

chi hung

noun. Part of asian slang, "chi hung" usually refers to a person exhibiting extreme muggerism, or a tendency to study excessively.

"Hey chi hung, your shoelaces are undone *smack* "
"Chi hung, give me your lunch money or i'll uppercut you in the crotch."

by Peh Chong Futt January 31, 2007