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2006 kids

the last normale generation.
grew up with the good shows, had a good childhood, went outside as a kid

2006 kids are really the last good generation of the 2000s kids

by lovepizza200 January 11, 2020

137πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

The Cool Kids

The most dope ass hip hop duo ever! It consists of Mikey Rocks who is from Chicago and Chuck Inglish who is from Detroit. They Dress like fucking ballers and are the shit. Their first big song, Black Mags, is a song about there bike that was first featured on a Rhapsody commercial. It is amazing.

"The Cool Kids are the shit!"
"Yeah dude I would hit that if I was a woman"

by Chippermonkey January 20, 2008

329πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

Kids Ranqe

Kids Ranqe was a famous Runescape pker from the very old Wilderness. The account was made in October 2005. He made his first PK video in January 2007. Later he maxed out with 1 defence and made his 4th PK video. Everything went well until his 10th pk video , that's when he got hacked for the first time in May. He was pretty sure that he was going to quit and even made a video about it but people pmed him saying they would give donations if he didn't. So people gave him loads of stuff and he basically got his bank back. He got hacked again at PK video 13 and that's when the hacker got him to 32 defence, luckily he had a bank pin now. He got 45 defence and made his 14th pk video. After it got hacked for the 10th time a guy he knew for 8 years told the hacker his bank pin. So that pretty much was the end for kids ranqe and he made his 15th video. Kids Ranqe PK video 6 had the most views from all the video's with over a million. Back to the hacker. Only later he found out that the one who hacked Kids Ranqe was the person who actually bought Sv3rige from him. After a while the hacker released the information and that's when everyone started to recover Kids Ranqe. That’s why it’s locked. Kids Ranqe started playing on his new account Soz Owned and still plays on it with his own clan SuperNatural which can be found at www.sn.ucoz.lv. You can download all of the Kids Ranqe video's there but you can also watch them here in HD: www.youtube.com/KidsRanqeHD

Kids Ranqe Ultimate Hybrid PK Video 8

by AnonymousHD July 8, 2011

40πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Kid Rock

The people verison of an above ground pool.

Kid Rock is white trash

by Tbhidontcare July 25, 2014

181πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

damn kids

A word used to describe the kids who make life worse for you.
Usually yelled toward kids when they annoy you.

Old hag: damn kids with your skateboards and cuss words

Man: you damn kids get off my lawn

by Tdowns May 25, 2007

61πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

2007 Kids

The last group of kids that can fully relate to 2000's and 2010's kids. While most don't considering them 2000's kids , they can relate to the 2000's. Consoles and Games 2007 Kids might have grown up with are Wii , Ps4, Ps3 , Dsi (2010), Xbox 360, Xbox 1 Minecraft,Wii Sports, Wii U. Besides that there pretty chill. That Ones that don't play Fortnite of course.

While I personally don't consider them 2000s kids , because much things from the 2000's carried over to the 2010's they should be able to enjoy nostalgia videos as well as some born in 2005.

Billy: When were you born?
2007 Kid : 2007
Billy: Ha go play Fortnite kid we 2000s kids are the best.
2007 kid: Well I don't play Fortnite but I play games such Wii and Minecraft.
Billy: You know nothing about the Wii your not even a 2000's kid.
2007 kid :Well, that is not true tho. I was born in 2007 but I did grow with the Wii. Childhood starts at 3 but I wouldn't remember anything. People can recall stuff by the age of 4/5. I got my Wii at 5 years old on June of 2012 . I did get games for the Wii, friends talked about Wii ,MC, etc.
Billy: WELL you didn't use it in its prime time LIKE 2000s KIDS
2007 Kid: When were you born
Billy: 2002
2007 Kids: Did you grow with Spongebob

Billy: Yes
2007 kid: No it aired 1999 you were in born 2002 only the 1990's kids will remember
Billy:But it aired in the 00s
2007 kid: You see how that does really make no sense. 90's kids did grow up with Spongebob but that did not Stop 2000s kids from liking it too
2007: Kids born 2014 were using the Ps4 and playing Fortnite no one stop them since they weren't born when it came out.2013
Billy: I didn't think about it

2007 kid : 90's kids gatekeep 2000's kids from enjoying their vids(Only 90's kids will know) because they weren't born during the time shows were airing they watched reruns. 2000's kids gatekeep 2007 kids because in 2000s video they did most of the things in the early 2010's not in the 2000's
2007 kid : So I did grow up during the ERA of the Wii but no one wants to hear me

by 278978boi March 1, 2021

18πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Kid in the band

Not to be mixed up with a band kid
A kid in the band is someone who enjoys band but isn’t a complete outcast. Plus for fun and is a pretty chill and nice person.

Band kid: β€œhow do you do fellow band kid”
Kid in band: β€œI’m not a band kid I’m just a kid in the band stop talking to me”

by im gaming February 1, 2022

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž