An adorable baby animal getting washed in the sink.
Ive gotta get home and wash my sink baby.
Marshall: this party sucks
Miranda: do you wanna go sink a heater outside?
Marshall: i thought you'd never ask
a regular user who frequents v4c (virgins 4 christ)
please, PLEASE, stop being a sink pisser, i'm asking you nicely /despair
A weirdo who pisses in the sink instead of the toilet
James is so quiet.. he is definitely a sink pisser.
Intrusive thoughts or mental illness symptoms experienced as a result of being left alone with your thoughts for too long while washing dishes in a restaurant or other commercial foodservice workplace.
Today the Sink Affective Disorder got to me, I couldn’t stop thinking about all these embarrassing things I did years ago when I was doing the dishes!
doing way more than you need to do
yeah he’s really shaving his sink with that one
a person who’s online name is “Aesinc” but his friends make fun of him because they are referring his name to “a sink” a reservoir that provides storage for a substance.
hey a-sink, how’s your day bro bro?