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indian cuts

A two step process in which person "A" gives cuts in line to person "B", whom in theory is'nt in line and heading to the end of it. Then person "A" and "B" switch places in line through person "B" giving cuts to person "A".

The kid behind me in line had dog breath so when Billy-Bob walked by and asked me for cuts in line I told him I would give him Indian cuts.

by desertdork March 17, 2010

7👍 4👎

Indian Thunderstorm

noun. 1. the act of jerking off a 20 story balcony while a fat Indian woman massages your prostate using 1 or 2 fingers. This is done because she is so disgusting, your dick is unable to rise due to her mere presence.

Alternate definition: Jerking off on yourself while a large Indian women works a butt plug on you.

Did a bird shit on my head or did we just get caught in an Indian Thunderstorm?

by Gorjuss George May 30, 2010

7👍 4👎

indian lady

Welcome to

☞ Accepts you as you are.
☞ Believes in you.
☞ Never judges you.
Clams down your fears.
☞ Raises your spirit.
☞ Calls you only to say 'HELLO'.
☞ Doesn't give up with u.
☞ Admires all sides of your personality.
☞ Forgive your mistakes.
☞ Helps you.
☞ Encourages you to try it again.
☞ Makes a difference in your life.
☞ Says nice things about you.
☞ Offers her/his support.
☞ Understand you.
☞ Tells you the truth.
☞ Explain things you don't understand.
☞ Walks by your side.
☞ Shouts if necessary, if you don't want to listen.

welcome you to

.ılı.___.°INDIAN LADY°.___.ılı.

◄═♦▒♞THANK ☆ YOU♞▒♦═►


INDIAN LADY ere very mild and gentle....

by jonee321 January 7, 2012

8👍 5👎

Indian Tit

The bags of fat that develop on the abdomen after a female cat is spayed

My cats Indian Tits swing back and forth when she runs.

by Christoph89 April 3, 2008

15👍 12👎

Indian Zit

When you get a zit perfectly in the middle of your forehead and it's impossible to hide.

Dude I don't want to go to school, I woke up and I had an Indian Zit

by Kuntsack June 6, 2009

8👍 5👎

indian hell

a hell where you get slapped around by an eight armed god, while some little man in the background is playin the bongos and smokin opium

dude i wouldnt want to get sent to indian hell. i heard some eight armed cow god slaps you for enternity

by cakessss February 17, 2009

13👍 10👎

Whiskey Indian

A native American as opposed to a dot Indian, which is someone from India.

Damn dog, you be doing some drinking huh? You breath stinks like a whiskey indian begging for change at the Grey Hound Station.

by vanyort September 4, 2008

12👍 9👎