Source Code

Jean Luis

A broke nigga

Look at that nigga, he can't afford Apollo's. He's such a Jean Luis.

by fypinc. April 19, 2017

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jean luc

He's the third most loyal friend in the world. Has the energy of a Chad. Thinks math is the greatest but tries to look like someone so cool they dropped out of highschool

Oh my gosh Jean Luc that's so big!

by weasel450 August 4, 2019

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Jeans People

People who wear jeans when they are skiing or snowboarding

Dude I can't believe how many jeans people there were on the slopes today

by antijeanspeopleadvocateforlife December 30, 2011

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mom jeans

unflattering woman's jeans worn slightly above the navel in a manner that accentuates flat buttocks

Don't wear mom jeans to the family reunion, it'll embarrass my aunt.

by The Return of Light Joker May 10, 2010

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Sex Jeans

Jeans that can be put on/taken off very quick and easily.

My girlfriend wasn't wearing her sex jeans so she had to take a moment to pull of her tight skinny jeans. The moment was completely ruined.

by davidddddddd February 22, 2009

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Gunt Jeans

An unholy merging of hip-hop low crotch baggy jeans and hipster skinny jeans. The resulting fashion nightmare can range anywhere from making a chick look like she has a dick to making her look like she has a huge gunt or even a birth-pouch. Also looks like pants on backwards.
Seen on hipsters in London, mostly in the female hipster of the species, but there is some crossover to the "male" version of hipsters.

Roger: "Oy mate, does that bird have her knickers on backwards?"
Simon: "Nah, those are the new fashion--we call 'em "gunt jeans."

by Scumwaffle September 27, 2010

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girlfriend jeans

Designer jeans you only buy and wear because of your (usually much younger and/or hipper) girlfriend. Your girlfriend may buy them for you or you may buy them yourself, feeling the pressure to hip up.

"Dude, nice girlfriend jeans. Your package is noticeably bulging and your ass looks like it's eating them in the rear. What, the little jailbait GF make you burn all your old baggy ass dirty denim?"

by Wes' Coast Yo March 3, 2010

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