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Social Justice Warrior

A person who is obsessed with being Racist to white in the name of equality. A person who is heterophobic in the name of equality. A person who needs to be sent to an asylum

Person: Man that person sure was a Social Justice Warrior!

Person 2: Yeah i agree they were crazy!

by Yourguyfromthebsr March 17, 2022

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Justice Uncle Thomas

A disparaging nickname for the disgraced SCOTUS Justice, Clarence Thomas, a reference to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s classic book, β€œUncle Tom’s Cabin,” since he has gone well beyond betraying his ethnic and cultural heritage.

Well farewell, Justice Uncle Thomas, it’s time to say goodbye to you and your big-bankroll Nazi pal Harlan, we are tired of your sick white supremacist asses trying to take over our country.

by Dr Bunnygirl May 20, 2023

furious justice boner

1. The hard-on a man conjures in order to rape the man who raped his son.

2. Term of endearment for a penis named 'Law' when it achieves erection for vigilante use.

plinky4: I'd like to believe that I could keep a furious justice boner going for at least an hour.

by ehdawg December 2, 2009

29πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Human Style Justice

Human Style Justice is where the bullies of society get all of the wealth and women, and their victims only manage to live shitty lives.

It refers to the fact that those who are psychopaths, those who harm others, go on to live successful lives, and those who "keep to them selves," and respect other peoples rights have their lives fucked up.

Stan bullied others all his life, and was always violent. He ended up getting a high-paying job, beautiful wife, nice appartment, nice car. Steve was always the victim of bullying, and usually was unemployed and lonely.

This style of Human Style Justice happens all over in western societies every day.

by icanttakethisyouputanamehere December 31, 2010

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

The Justice League of America

More like Batman and His Bitches!!!!

The Justice League of America contains many great superheroes, all of whom are Batman's Bitches.

by BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! June 18, 2012

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For Great Justice

A campaign motto of candidate Scott Pigeon.

All your votes are belong to Scott Pigeon, for great justice.

by Pigeon2010 February 21, 2010

10πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž

the bitch slap of justice

A bitch slap used by police officers on criminals, that makes them re-evaluate their life and hopefully make better decisions.

Criminal: OFFISA Y RU ARRESTIN ME I DINDUNUFFINS! *proceeds to spit in officer's face*

Police officer: *proceeds to do the bitch slap of justice*
Criminal: Oh my god, What have I been doing with my life!, I am so sorry!

by xx_Pussy_slayer_xx April 5, 2018