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He needed to watch the light, but he broke it

Filming Guy: Kevin, watch the light dude
Kevin: *Smash*

by Annie's Angels December 17, 2019


Karen, But male.

Yo that guy's a kevin.

by Terabaapchutiyahai July 7, 2021


Kevin is a shy boy he is often in his room playing games or just reading he loves to make new friends and hang out with old ones kevin is also known to be better than noah

A kevin

by Anonymous 313 June 17, 2020


A handsome person and good at art, sport and history

1 handsome person
2 good at art and sport plus history


by DeezNut 123 June 8, 2017


Pokémon nerd. Has no friends. Is very annoying. Never shuts the f**k up. Never had a girlfriend. Never will have a girlfriend. Destined to die alone...

Omg. Look at Kevin, he’s eating lunch alone...Again

by Heyyytt December 13, 2018


you should be running.

kevin: if he sees you its too late.

by werkiguhhergbtikujh September 2, 2021


Kevin is the biggest Bitch you will ever see. He will say your bad at 2K when he’s actually worse than you and he will act like your friend but than end up being a bitch. Don’t be friends with Kevin, you will regret it.

Don’t be such a Kevin

by Good2Kplayer June 7, 2019