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A funny and creative girl. Loves to make you laugh. Most likely a kind and caring person. She will always have a big smile and hug waiting for you. Often an amazing dancer. blue-eyed blonde-haired beautiful person, hands down the sweetest person you will know. If you have a Kit in your life your so lucky. If your name is Kit you are an independent woman and you can do anything. You can sing and act. You have a strong personality but very sweet. You most likely have a soulmate with a very big personality too. You probably have had a really horrible passed at your old school but now you are so happy and love life. Oh and you have an obsession with TikTok

is that Kim Kardishain...oh no its kit there both so beautiful.

by kit June 9, 2020


Kits are usually super cute boys they make amazing friends and will comfort when you are down even if they have it worse then you. They are also quite easily offended. Really good sex but not a fuck boy.Kits are super nice and you should be careful what you say around them because they can de quite sensitive.

Kits are good as sex

by Scarfgongschooly November 24, 2021


Ugly ass boy that no one likes. He is the most fake person you will ever meet in your life bro. Don't EVER trust a person named kit like on god #dtapnklon (dont trust a person named kit like on god )

Girl 1: Omg look guys its kit!!

by kisses4m3 March 10, 2022


A kit is usually used to describe the fantastic/bomb outfit someone is wearing.

girl1:do you know what are u wearing to the party
girl2: sis I planned my kit out since I got the invite

by sickquickfuck January 27, 2019


Kit is a strong, independent, badass who's always got your back, and knows how to make you laugh without even trying. She stands up for what's right. Never mess with a Kit.

"Don't you mess with my emotions, dipshit."
"Sorry, Kit."

by local nct enthusiast July 27, 2020


baby kitten

girl: aw its a kit

fRiCk dUdE : awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :D

by Frick dude! February 7, 2022


A total badass who seems like they know what they're doing, but they have no clue what's going on. They're the type to follow their gut and do whatever their heart desires which can lead to some exciting adventures and terrible exhaustion. They've got a heart of gold, fiercely loyal, and will defend their loved ones like a knight in shining armor.

Brad: "Man, I wish I could be a leader."
Jess: "Just follow Kit. They have no idea what they're doing but everyone loves their leadership style."

by Anonymous62848 November 23, 2021