A Cowadoody-playing, Dew-sipping console gamer, or any member of the G00nswarm and related. Usually observed with excessive trash talk.
These damn dorito-munchers are intentionally swapping sides during this raid, just to be on the winning team.
Biting one's lip when nervous, excited or shy.
Amina is always biting her lip, she is such a lip muncher
someone who munches on boogers, this is different than just eating boogers. this is an intense chewing of boogers. do not befriend a booger muncher, it's dangerous.
"Dude, she is literally a booger muncher, I saw her digging in her nose and sucking the boogers off her finger."
Someone who munches alot of cock.
"did you hear about what he did last night?"
"yeah, he's such a cock-muncher"
An individual or group of individuals enter your space and begin to talk about random things They pile on story after story as a distraction which causes you to loose track of time. Once the time of productivity has passed the "Mingle Muncher" will begin their exit which has strategically been designed to maintain their intentions and anonymity.
Fred had a list of errands to complete but the Mingle Muncher talked so much that he lost track of time causing yet another day of unproductiveness".