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Smells like fish. Greaser hair than greasy grove. Small penis Try’s to pull Sian

Look at Ollie over there with us small dick

by Wgsuogbrgydkw May 22, 2019


Ollie is the sweetest person you'll ever meet. They're so nice and beautiful and just, MWAH. Give them a hug. They deserve it.

"Hey did you see that beautiful person Ollie over there?" -1

"Yeah! They're so pretty." -2

by v1nv1n March 5, 2021


A nasty ass whiteboi who never cleans anything. They have a girlfriend called Beth which they both spread bacteria like germs. This person brushes his teeth twice a year if he’s lucky and showers once every 4 weeks. They also likes to have bum play in which he licks his fingers after.

That’s disgusting, don’t be an ollie

by Beacon-bro January 24, 2020


Love cock in his ass

Hi im ollie

by Ethansbigpenis August 7, 2022


a pretty boy with a perfect smile who can't admit he's adorable.
a helpless romantic with a heart too pure for this world.

person A: is that ollie over there?
person b: yep, he and his partner seem so happy together.

by coffeeeeeee669 November 26, 2021


Ollie is an absolute king! He’s a handsome, beautiful and perfect human being. He is the definition of DADDY! He has a HUGE cock, and an ass like a peach. He is such a beautiful soul. He will always look after you and never let you down. If you feel sad find an Ollie because he’ll never let you stay in a rut for too long. He’ll look after you until your final breath. He’s an absolute sweetie and loves his two wives, grant and his best friends. A sexy beast who can make you melt with just a look. He’ll never say it but he’s insecure sometimes too but that won’t stop him from putting his problems aside to take care of you (regardless of the fact he shouldn’t) if you find an Ollie, treasure him and look after him. Never let him go because he’s the best person you’ll ever meet.

I feel sad

You need an Ollie

by Babylockthemdoors69 February 11, 2022


Ollie is a gay spaz who is always horny. His nickname is dickcheese and he has a schlong, and is a pro tennis player

Wow, Ollie is such a tennis babe! Holy cow look at the size of Ollies shlong. OMG IS HE MAKING LOVE TO MADDIE BENDER AGAIN?!!??!?!?!?! DID BLAKE JUST KISS HIM???

by urmomlooks llikesantaclaus May 20, 2019