Source Code

The Hottest Person on the Planet


"Damn you're like The hottest Person on the Planet"

by PictureThisDictionary March 7, 2024

Planet Coaster

Planet Coaster is a construction and management simulation video game developed and published by Frontier Developments for Windows. It was released worldwide on 17 November 2016. Frontier had previously worked in the amusement park construction and management genre with RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 (to which Planet Coaster is a spiritual successor), Thrillville, Thrillville: Off the Rails, and Zoo Tycoon. A version for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, known as Planet Coaster: Console Edition, was released worldwide on 10 November 2020.23 The PlayStation 5 version was released in North America and Australia on 12 November 2020 and in Europe on 19 November 2020.45 A macOS version, developed by Aspyr, was later released on 17 November 2020 on both Steam and Mac App Store.6

I love building in Planet Coaster

by Taeman June 5, 2024

peppermint planet

A drug induced happy place.

I’d rather be on a Peppermint Planet than in rehab.

by Commodore February 14, 2023

Aarabian from the planet rav

He is an guy that can speak well infront of crowds and crys alot, he also likes spending time with his family

Aarabian from the planet rav

by brandoma1 November 27, 2024

planet jade

A trippy ass planet that only Jade can take you to since she's from there and just visiting earth. Its main attractions are sexy sex and jeffery's (with eveything but goddamn clorax)

its location is unknown by anyone but jade unfortunaly

fucking planet jade

by trip trip February 11, 2012

Planet Fitness

Planet Fitness is a "wide" known gym place for fat people to go and workout at and gaining no results in weight loss or muscle growth. But as the name of the gym sounds, can be better used as a form of pun in a sentence.

Guy #1: Hey! I was already waiting for that machine to use after the guy was done using it!
Guy #2: Well I didn't see your name on it.
Guy #1: Doesn't matter it was my turn next on it!
Guy #2: Well what are you going to do about it?
Guy #1: Bro, Imma finna planet fitness foot in yo ass if you don't back off from that machine!

by DRGNSLYR January 23, 2025

The Planet Earth Test

When you want to see if a cover of Fireflies is good, so you skip to the part where they sing "I like to make my self believe, that planet Earth turns slowly".

Guy 1: What're you doing?

Guy 2: I'm looking for a cover of Fireflies to listen to, but they all suck.

Guy 1: Well just do The Planet Earth Test to get faster results.

by OctopusProbably October 24, 2022