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Bruce Trail Public School

Bruce Trail Is an okay school. It is very boring. However the teachers are nice.

Person A:I go to Bruce Trail Public School
Person B:Same

by Leviathanboi14 October 5, 2021

Beaumont Hills Public School

Beaumont Hills Public School is a school located in the suburb of Beaumont Hills, Sydney, New South Wales. It is regarded as one of the most horrible schools in the Hills District, both in Academics and Sports. Some of the teachers there usually don't do their job in an "up-to-scratch" manner and often, students need things repeated in order to follow the teachers instructions, and to understand.

Beaumont Hills Public School is a disgrace to Beaumont Hills, and public education.

by Adam Fawcett July 11, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Public emotional nudity (p.e.n)

Putting your emotions out there using public media. Ones inability to write a card or a private message!

Public emotional nudity (p.e.n), contain your feelings the whole world doesn't need to know how you feel.

by karismatic life November 17, 2014

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

accidental Urban Dictionary publication

A blatantly terrible and profoundly unsatisfying definition that makes you wonder how in the world it got accepted in the first place.

One theory is that there are two populations of Urban Dictionary editors with ingrained muscle memories that cause them to continuously click either publish or don't publish so much that even if they wanted to deviate from their tradition, their impulse takes over and a great opportunity is squandered.

Accidental Urban Dictionary publications are clearly a result of those editors that love to click publish rather than don't publish nonstop.

The opposite of accidental Urban Dictionary publications is difficult to define, since the poor people who submitted those definitions probably deserved to have their exquisitely clever definitions published but received a rejection email anyway due to judges who couldn't change their clicking pattern fast enough for one good definition in a string of bad ones.

Urban Dictionary Editor 1: Oops my muscle memory caused me to accidentally click don't publish for that definition I liked.

Urban Dictionary Editor 2: It's ok, what you just did is compensated by the fact that editors allow accidental Urban Dictionary publications through all the time.

by attifinch June 11, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

public enemy number one

Chuck D. and Flava Flav together make up public enemy number one

It takes a nation of millions to hold Chuck D. and Flava Flav back.

by mexicanpolicesquad August 3, 2005

24๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Annette st public school

A public elementary school in toronto. Filled with wannabe tiktokers, short annoying f boys, and basic white airforced icecoffee bitches. Youโ€™ll often find this students travelling to Starbucks for lunch. Overall an ok school.

โ€œDid u hear that girl goes Annette st public school? ugh๐Ÿ™„โ€

by Thekoolestkid1234567 June 16, 2021

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Silver Stream Public School

none of the students at this school know how to have a social life??? all these asians are obsessed with math and shit. there are only two somewhat relevant non-asians. the teachers dont know how to teach and have orange and pink skin!!

Jim: I heard you go to silver stream public school
Student: Yeah it sucks, my teacherโ€™s skin is orange oof

by ajajajwiahauwowbeiwjswiaja April 23, 2019

17๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž