Source Code


When, starting from tilda, you run your finger along all the keys on a qwerty keyboard with a numpad, you get this result.

im bored, so ill just google `1234567890-/*-qwertyuiop\+ASDFGHJKL;’+ZXCVBNM,./ because it's more interesting than this.

by tuc56 March 23, 2020


This is what happens to a dumb idiot's keyboard when they're bored. i bet your keyboard wishes it was dead. I do understand the first part, but the last part? What the actual fuck

"Yo `1234567890-=qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./~!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOP{}|ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?hyudeyhfuehdui3ehudheiufheufhyefgeyifgryihfuirhfuirhguirhugihrughrgiurhugi is my username."


by Penguin_withKnife March 22, 2023


When you try to type all the symbols on the keyboard but mess up and hit enter.

Yo I accidentally typed "1234567890=qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'"

by Waffle_pancake March 2, 2022


when someone is bored to death probably in class.

i'm bored lets search somthing up`1234567890-=qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./.,mnbvcxz';lkjhgfdsa\poiuytrewq=-0987654321`?

by bored to death 58 May 27, 2021


All caps going Top to Down mean u are bored :)


by Someone that is smart lol bean October 17, 2022


when someone is so bored they slide their finger across the computer while holding shift.


by poopman1234 March 3, 2022



Damn U really are that bored...sad life

by FUCK NIGGERS February 22, 2021