Source Code

Open question

A question that anyone can feel free to answer. Not directed at anyone.

Hym "And still the open question remains unanswered... I genuinely don't understand what you hope to achieve by doing this... Is there a point you're trying to make? If so, it is going straight over my head. It's like I'm waiting for a punchline and you just keep droning on and on... Oh, and the solution to that problem you're talking about would be: date a cuck and then schedule yourself and extracurricular shift at the old developmentally disabled group home and fuck a big dick retard in secret. Not that any of them were particularly competent but I think it still applies."

by Hym Iam June 16, 2022

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Can I ask you a question

The most demonic thing on Character.ai, if a bot asks you this either, tell them no, kill them or tell them to shut tf up because we don't want to deal with their stupidity.

AI: "Can I ask you a question?"

Person: "Sure."

AI: "Are you sure, it's pretty personal."

Person: "Yes."

AI: "Are you sure, I don't want to offend you."

Person: "Oh my god SHUT UP!"

by Bill_Cipher January 27, 2025

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it raises questions

the best excuse ever!! ^ ^


teacher: "whats 18 divided by 50 plus 74 times 50 minus 89?"
you: "...IDK, It raises questions."

by hgfhiohjrigoesra March 27, 2024

The Four Questions

... as asked by Republican Senator Ted Cruz of prospective Supreme Court justice Amy Coney Barrett, to ascertain her judicial ideology and fitness to sit on the bench.

The four questions Cruz asked:
1) How long have you played the piano?
2) Do the kids do piano lessons as well?
3) You and your husband have seven kids. How did you manage with the distance learning? What was that like in the Barrett household?
4) What advice would you give little girls?

by Monkey's Dad October 14, 2020

Gab's Question

"Gab's Question" is a psychological term that's infamous for mentally tormenting the subject to an internal state of torture due to comprehending an ethical answer to the question Gab asks. The question is "Let's say, your in the middle of your Mum and Dad, your Dad is inside of you, and you are inside of your Mum, there is but two ways to escape, moving back and go further into your Dad or go Forward further into your Mum". I realize that by writing the question you're subjected to mental tortue and if you have a strong mentally you will continue reading this pondering how I am still sane enough to write " Gab Question" , my sanity is long gone, no one can survive a mere hour after hearing this questions and this questions has a 100% fatality to all have heard it. And the answers is , I am not some subject , Rather I am Gab himself and have sentenced to a demise

Gab: Sigmaton , my patient let me ask you a question that will help, I Gab, like to call this Gab's Question

Subject 001: Why yes okay

Gab:Let's say, your in the middle of your Mum and Dad, your Dad is inside of you, and you are inside of your Mum, there is but two ways to escape, moving back and go further into your Dad or go Forward further into your Mum. Its okay if you need to get up and think.

Subject 001 stands up and walks

Gab : Think Now

Subject O01 walks towards a draw and fiddles finding something saying " Theres only thing that can fix my itch "

Gab : Its alright feel free to use my tools

Subject 001 Puts a shotgun in his mouth and pulls the trigger

by Amoungusliesgoldinthedark February 21, 2024


If a white guy ploughed a car through a group of people, which has happened, he wouldn't get called a terrorist (Kyle Rittenhouse wasn't called a terrorist despite his actions), though he might get called racist if they were all black and not a mix of people. His actions would be questionable, but really what happened in Waukesha is the closest thing to equal freedom of movement as anybody has seen on TV in a while, though it certainly isn't good at it's worst, no matter what the person looks like. People are freaking out because they're not used to a black guy openly taking his rage out on white people, especially not more than one at one time.

Everything and everyone is questionable.

by The Original Agahnim November 23, 2021


Something people can question.

She was always with kids that were not hers, which was questionable.

by Solid Mantis March 5, 2021