Someone with a huge dick, pulls the chicks, smart and usually black
Wow! That dudes got a huge penis his name must be Riley Eastham
A physical and neurological sickness that causes you to to gain little to no muscle mass and constantly flex your muscle and back, the symptoms of Riley Brayshaw is to constantly message girls and get exposed for it, Someone with Riley Brayshaw tends to have an attraction towards another sickness of the female kind called shedave
“Man I can’t stop messaging girl on snap and have a strong attraction towards shedave”
“Bro, you must have Riley Brayshaw
Nickname is Peter File
Loves to play with kids
riley lamont would say Heywood Jablowmee
1. verb; Ambush journalism.
2. verb; to use selective editing to make a news story out of a non-issue
Origin: Mark Riley (chief political editor for Channel 7 News, Australia) ambushed Tony Abbott, leader of the Australian Coalition party, over comments of "shit happens..." made to commanding officers about the death of one of their troopers during visit a to Afghanistan. Using selective editing Riley attempted to make out that Abbott was insensitive to the death of the soldier when he made the comment.
Obama was Mark Riley'd during his opening speech at congress yesterday.
The best couple ever who get in fights often but at the end of the day they love each other Riley likes to play with Brendens head and his friends but Brenden trust her most of the time he is always there for her and Riley loves to protect him from people Riley and Brenden are always there for each other
She is the nicest person you'll meet she is kind hearted. She dersves the world. Sometimes the world turns its back on her but she has to keep fighting. Love you your best friend.
Riley jones will push through anything.