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Random Pick

An event that shakes even the strongest to their bones. The end of days, the end of the world. That time whe- oh it's not me? Ok cool. (When there aren't enough p.o.i's on a speech in MUN and the chair picks a random person to speak.)

C- Since there are no question we will be having a random pick.

You Probably- *Oh God please don't let me be it, I don't have anything to ask, oh please God!*

C- *a country that's not you* you have been picked

by Atates January 6, 2021

assorted randoms

a bunch of strange, random people that are all togather.

like max, joe, and other assorted randoms

by super_savvy_loves_cailou July 13, 2010

image is random

A person who posts random images

Image is Random is truly random!

by Ruh, Bruh November 16, 2020

Simply Random

A set of words described to something that has a truly unknown outcome. Sometimes these words can be gifted upon a soul which will gift them with some of the most random randomness that will ever exist.

Simply random is simply random

by Some pleb December 16, 2017

Random Shooting

Where you shoot someone just because they look like they ain't no good.

It was a random shooting.

by Judge dredd7 November 1, 2011

Random trip

a trip which is completely unplanned, from the timing to places you want to stop for a break, the transport you want to travel by.

person 1: "the boys just took off for a random trip from Bangalore to Mangalore by car"
person 2: "A random trip!,lucky idiots!"

by Shreya.R June 10, 2013

Memes Random

A nigger dude who laugh of sdlg memes, is from peru and use the :v in every paragraph, he eats penisses and drinks coca-cola in the night when smoke weed, he say so much "en ultimas noticias random", in english is "i need penis now" so another life of a niggass ended.

Memes Random: :vVVVV

by But eres edwkham July 2, 2021

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