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resting bitch hair

Hair that, no matter the amount of work it into it, aalways reverts back to a rats nest.

It looked good earlier, but she always has resting bitch hair.

by Carl Marximus December 22, 2017

Gentleman's Rest

A Gentleman's Rest was once used primarily in the Victorian era when clothing was thicker and heavier.
As a Gentleman went about his business, he would find that his more intimate areas would become sweaty.
To avoid chaffing and sweat rash, a Gentleman would go to the 'airing cupboard' (which was a small well ventilated room within the house) to make use of his 'Gentleman's Rest' which consisted of a long stick, atop of which was a decorated shelf.

In America they used to refer to this room as the 'Rest Room' and is where the modern day term originates.
The Gentleman would remove his little Gentleman from his garments and rest himself upon this shelf to air himself out and naturally dry away the sweat.
Common decorations for the 'shelf' include Mermaids, Ophelia's arm, a slender female leg and Persephone's pony-tail.
Though popular at the time, only a known handful have survived to this day and are highly collectible in the art world and is commonly confused in its appearance with that of the common walking stick.

The earliest known example dates back to 1874 and whilst it is in poor condition it is still a beautiful piece.

Pardon me mater, I have to make use of my Gentleman's Rest in the airing cupboard.

by Victorian Tidbits August 8, 2021

bulk never rests

like death, "bulk" (fat) never takes a vacation or rests ! it CONSTANTLY "stalks" the human , looking for free lodging

IF the bulk is looking for lodging! , it can PAY RENT ! ($2,000 for an "efficiency" 'compartment' ?? !!)

jim had sixteen more beers and a shit sammich , not worrying that bulk never rests

lauren ONCE had a perky butt , but bulk never rests !

jeff: she's got a FAT ASS !! dean: bulk never rests !

by michael foolsley July 6, 2023

s rest

a rest you take in between eating when you have to relax before attempting to finish the rest of your food. Its origin started from an amazing girl named sanam always taking these breaks when eating her food.

wow i gotta take an s rest

by sami t March 11, 2007

Rest In Peach Croissant

Dank af.

Take it easy on those Rest In Peach Croissants, bruv. The croissants made in Cali are danker than what we get on the east coast.

by RIP Croissant June 8, 2018

run to rest

The same concept as "hurry up and wait", planning to arrive at a locations, expecting to have to wait for commencement.

"Run to rest" builds in extra time into your schedule to allow for unexpected delays.

by Gmo February 24, 2014

Resting Stank Eye

Someone who always squints and appears cross eyed in photos or in person while high.

“Did you see that horrendous picture of Jay?”

“Which one?”

“The one he has resting stank eye in!”

by bigmeatysack April 16, 2023