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The Society of Saint Michael the Archangel

The Peaceful Italian Mafia located in several different towns and cities that are connected to the Catholic Church. They like to various activities such as playing bocce, hold meetings, and eat lots of food.

"Did you go to The Society of Saint Michael the Archangel (Usually just said as Saint Michaels) Bocce Tournament last week?"

by Infinite Bread November 12, 2017

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BenHip (Benevolent Hippie Society)

Hippies who gift cancer patients and people in chronic pain with nugs of marijuana or "special" brownies.

"Is grandpa buying dope?"
"No, it's from BenHip (Benevolent Hippie Society)."

by Elemental February 3, 2012

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National Society of High School Scholars

A For-Profit organization that is not listed on Wikipedia that sends out an invitation to people with "academic achievments" asking for
$45.00 - $60.00 as an admission fee. It does not impress on any applications nor does it mean anything.
Just another pointless organization that butters you up with a flattering invitation to con you out of your money.
Better off joining the National Honor Society (NHS) FOR FREE.

Person 1: Did you get an invitation to the National Society of High School Scholars? (NSHSS)
Person 2: Yes! I feel so special
Person 1: It's a scam dude, they're just flattering you to get $60.00
Person 2: Are you sure?
Person 1: Use common sense and Google, dude.

by CookieMonster12234 June 20, 2013

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Anti Pubic Hair Society (APHS)

The Anti Pubic Hair Society (APHS)is a rapidly growing group of radical people who do not like pubic hair. The group was initially set up in 2006 as a prank on myspace and on facebook in 2007 (it can be can be found on both using the search terms "anti pubic hair society") this rapidly expanding group regularly discuss various pubic hair related topics from methods of hair removal to types of hair styling and includes celebrities from the theatre world and music industry. Sharing photos and videos is common among members.

Anti Pubic Hair Society (APHS)
"there is nothing worse than getting a mouth full of pubes stuck in your teeth"

by SamClare January 5, 2009

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National Flamethrowing Taser Society of America

The NFTSOA was founded on December 5, 2018, by students at Marvin Ridge Middle School with the ultimate goal of world domination via flamethrowing taser. The flamethrowing taser is a cross between a flamethrower and a taser. They want to develop a flamethrowing taser, conquer the world, and sell flamethrowing tasers on the black market. But then the club got rejected. #depression

Person 1: Let's go join the National Flamethrowing Taser Society of America
Person 2: Yeah, let's conquer the world!
Person 1: It's such excellent world domination via flamethrowing taser club
Person 2: Yeah, we can sell flamethrowing tasers on the black market

by Sarah Smiles January 31, 2019

Secret Society of Sick Cunts (SSSC)

A unspoken society that has no geographical or cultural boundaries, so members are found worldwide. Commonly they can be found vibing front left of the dance floor of electronic music events and clubs. An all-knowing look, as your souls become one with the bass can confirm eternal membership of the SSSC.

N.B. People can be really awesome but not necessarily apart of the SSSC. If you know you know, you know?

The DJ dropped a banger and I locked eyes with another chick on the dfloor. In that moment, I knew - she was apart of the Secret Society of Sick Cunts (SSSC).

by bakedgoods22 July 1, 2021

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Society of Saint Pius the Fifth (SSPV)

A group of disaffected priests from the Society of Saint Pius the Tenth (SSPX) that left and formed their own organization when the SSPX began dialogue with the Holy See concerning reconcilliation. The SSPV advocate Sedevacantism, which means they believe that the Papal Office is vacant, and the current Pope is an antipope. Most members will contest the Papal reigns of Blessed John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul, Blessed John Paul II, and Benedict XVI, although some do accept the legitimacy of Blessed John XXIII's reign. The SSPV do not hold the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) as valid and binding on Catholics because they believe that it's decrees contradict the traditional Catholic faith and are "heresy." The SSPV rejects the Ordinary form liturgy of Paul VI, and celebrates all the Sacraments (Especially the Eucharist) according to the Traditional Latin Missal. The SSPV, like many other Sedevacantist groups claim that they are the true Catholic Church, and the Modern Church is Heretical, sometimes citing the apocalyptic warning given by Our Lady of Salette.

In short a marginalized group, excommunicate from the Catholic Church proper, who make up a small minority of the world's traditionalists.

Bill said he believes in sedevacantism and has started attending that "Society of Saint Pius the Fifth (SSPV)" chapel on Market Street.

by wh0dat? April 11, 2011

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