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Scout Standards

How to rate little girls on their looks ;)

She's good-looking by Scout Standards lad

by doesnttouchballs69 May 27, 2021


When it’s all stopped up in there and you gotta work it out with a finger.

Dad: After a night of scouting in the woods, it’s all clear.
Timmy: What’s scouting, Dad?
Dad: Well, son…

by Pardonmewhileiwhipthisout May 18, 2024


1 you get big booty women 2 you have a phd:>

scouting is pretty cool

by gloxkzy October 19, 2022


When a man/woman is actively seeking a new fling.

Jessica: do you want to go scouting , I need a man

by Botrxner November 26, 2018


When you go hunting for good indie music you haven't heard before.

I was scouting on Spotify last night and I found this fire indie band!

by PuncherOfTrees February 25, 2024

Sausage Scout

A Boy Scout, or someone associated with the Boy Scouts.

Boy: I have to go to a Boy Scout meeting later.
Girl: You mean a Sausage Scout meeting?

by VampireMistress September 11, 2013

squirrel scout cookie

It is self explanatory slang, referencing the exchange of one word (squirrel) with another (girl) in the name of a popular scout club that, in real life, sell cookies. It is merely a play on words and how they can sound so funny together.

As we walked up to the storefront Wallace said said "Hey look! The Squrrel Scouts are here selling their cookies" to wit he exclaimed "Squirrel Scout Cookies"!

by amywarhol March 5, 2017