the way thuper thmart white people pronounce "taco"
Bob: Hey En-rick-kwee, can tyou give me one o' dem tay koes from yer culture??
Enrique: Can I die now.
Pay my friend that cash every hour in the fourth week of February.
Have you heard?
It is pay tay $20 week
It’s the phobia of tay.
When your friend scares you so bad that you know have tay phobia
Tay you scare me, that I now have Tay-phobia
A male species who self identifies as a chad . Usually works in a hotel and is not muscular but has the nametag of Chad Tay.
"Hey , I heard Chad Tay's on typhoon leave.."
"Yeah , his name tag even says Chad Tay."
Noun: An actress known for her love of Botox and misuse of cosmetic fillers.
Verb: To cause a scene, or attract attention by being loud or obnoxious.
Adjective: Trendy for the wrong reasons; tacky; obnoxious.
“She totally got her forehead done over summer break. It’s like she wants to be tay nicole!”
“I need a double shot of expresso- STAT! Go get one from crafty before I tay nicole with everyone in here “
“Brittany bought Instagram followers and started using reels with cliché quotes this weekend. She’s being so tay nicole”
A rapper that got his work stolen by a bunch of celebrities. A rapper prodigy but now just a random person that has a few hits here and there. Rip that guy.
Wow, is that Darren Tai. He wrote a song for One Direction once but they just ignore his hard work.