You thought down atrocious was the worst possible extent of being down bad, but this is next level. No one can get more down bad than down insane.
Guy 1: I'm so down atrocious yiff and hentai are all I watch now I've even started paying for nsfw commisions and OnlyFans subscriptions.
Guy 2: You're not even down atrocious any more. At this point you're down insane bud, you need help.
When you fall down a 500 meter cliff and get brain damage.
Person 1: I just fell down a 500 meter cliff and got severe brain damage.
Person 2: That’s literally insane
Jakobi, James, Toby, Luca, Daniel
It is the trickers
They are insane trickers!
Hiring the same terrible employee over and over but expecting a better outcome. While simultaneously riding good employees like mules.
Jsp insanity has got us right back where we started... but a little worse.
landon gaulton’s dream sex toy
mom , can u buy me a insane jungle monkey so i can put it in my ass
Insanity that usually doesn't manifest itself visibly, and usually is never found. Includes things like stalking, planning (but not enacting) murders, etc.
Guy 1: Did you hear what happened to Blake yesterday?
Guy 2: No, what happened?
Guy 1: He got arrested! They say that he could have snapped at any moment and killed someone! They found lots of creepy things in his house.
Guy 2: Sounds like a case of domestic insanity.
Guy 1: Definitely.
When someone says something that caught you off guard or something crazy in general.
Classmate : "Yeah, this girl last night almost bit my dick off."
Me : "That is absurdly insane!"