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vanilla Face

A racist term used to describe caucasians.

The name of a famous Xbox Live member.

Example1: "What's up, Vanilla Face?"

"(Response) Not much, Blacky"

Example2: "Dude, i was playing Call of Duty last night and i got nuked by Vanilla Face!"

by Farkosax February 5, 2010

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vanilla iced

It's a put down, like when you punked like Vanilla Ice.

"you just got vanilla iced"

by Zacquel September 13, 2006

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Bronx Vanilla


I am eating bronx vanilla.

by garlicman February 12, 2010

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Vanilla sex

Basic ass sex

Chick: you actually enjoy missionary sex?
Dude: yeah! Vanilla sex is great! if it ain't broke don't fix it.

by Spicyyy December 27, 2019

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Vanilla Lesbians

Older women that live together but not in a romantic way.

"Man those ladies are vanilla lesbians"
"They're not lesbians they are vanilla lesbians"

by HAL&&VAL December 30, 2011

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Vanilla sexy

1. (adj) A term used to describe a man or woman who is of extremely pale complexion, and is strangely sexy because of it.

2. (adj) A term typically used to describe females who are sexy, but in a plain way. This is not necessarily a bad thing. See example below.

3. (adj) A term used to describe a man or woman who "knows the moves" but lacks the looks.

1. "That man was so pale... and the fact that he is hot because of it is disturbing yet enticing"

2. a) "My girlfriend is vanilla sexy... she is not too special but she's all I need"

2. b) "I have to give her credit, she tries pretty hard. She knows exactly what to do, but she just doesn't attract me, unfortunately"

by smokeception November 9, 2012

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Vanilla queef

After cumming in a woman in doggy style, she queefs multiple times and your cum begins to bubble and/or come out of her vagina.

1. Damn, Ted! My wife totally vanilla queefed after sex last night.

2. See that girl over there? I hear she’s a Vanilla Queefer.

by October 26, 2017

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