I don’t mind the smell, I just love smashing it in between her trout flaps.
The art of smashing ones vagina into an unsuspecting (probably sleeping, if not, BANZAI) victims face!
The female equivalent to "Tea Bagging"
His face'll need a proper rinse after aw this Hot Flapping!
Bend and snap, but better
“Blend and flap, works every time.”
A Waffle Flap is the crusty lips of a women Vagina, which normally hang down to a certain point, near the knee area. Are often covered in cream.
WOW sally have fucking big "waffle flaps"
A woman who performs oral sex on another female.
A woman with homosexual tendencies.
Stop being such a flap-lapper and go out with Tony already!
That piece of extra skin that hangs down from a domestic or wild cat's belly. Some say it is to help the cat run faster. This loose flap of skin on the abdomen helps the cat stretch out further with each stride. Some say it is extra skin in case the cat has to binge eat and store extra fat in the wild.
The bengal's fast flap helps it run faster, up to 30 miles per hour.
Named after Chuckie from the rugrats, the flapping chuckie is when a male with red hair whips his dick out and in an up and down motion flaps his dick about making a slapping noise from taint to belly.
I came around the corner and Eric had his pants down doing the flapping chuckie, more cock then I wanted to see in one day.