Isaiah is the kind of guy to start off really nice and act like he’s obsessed with you just to turn out to be and asshole. He’ll call you beautiful one day and then the next he tells you he doesn’t like you. He’s usually super tall, plays baseball, and a little ugly.
Girl 1: dang I can’t believe Isaiah did u like that
Girl 2: I know I thought he was different
Isaiah is that one person who always be there for u in the beginning. Some people even say that he is one of the best people that u can meet. Once u become friends with him u will never want to leave him. One thing u never want to is date him the only reason is because he will lie to cheat on u. I dated an Isaiah once and I regret it now, we were doing so good in the beginning, until my friend were telling me the truth. I would ask him if he was and he would lie to me so now we don´t talk anymore.
person#1: who is that.
person#2: where.
person#1: over there.
person#3: oh that is just Isaiah
the most beautiful boy who will never ever break your heart. he will always be there for you through thick and thin and will be your twin flame. he is the best person in the world to talk to whenever you need it and will always have a shoulder to cry on.
A very kind boy, with a bro named Elijah, very talented,cute,and has a YouTube channel. Has a mother with a beautiful name Asia and she is married. Isaiah a sweet king and will never let anyone is his way
Girl:2:OMG,I love Isaiah
Girl1:back off he mine boo
The type of guy to use an Operator in a Valorant Deathmatch.
Fuckin Isaiah.
scary person that scares people , also looks sorta like a faggot , he nice sometimes , but gAy
isaiah you’re a faGGot - steve
i know steve :( - isaiah
He is a chill quiet, good looking person, with a great personality. But watch out if ur a girl because he is big brain but not big dick. He will also steal your girlfriend and she will be scared away by his u know...
Person1: Hey you know that guy?
Person2: Yeah that Isaiah has pretty cool
Person3: Hide ur girlfriend dudes I know him from experience