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You take the bomb to B site and plant it. Make sure you do not stop running till you get there. RUSH B CYKA BLYAT
5👍 12👎
Het planten van een olijfboom staat voor hoop, standvastigheid en solidariteit. Plant een Olijfboom is een daad van verzet voor rechtvaardigheid en gelijke rechten in Palestina. Tegen kolonisatie en onteigening. Het planten van olijfbomen helpt mensen hier en daar. De bomen steunen Palestijnse families financieel en tegen onteigening, evenals ze mensen warmte geven die ter herinnering of als aandenken aan een bijzonder moment een boom namens iemand laten planten. Deze olijfbomen verbinden en geven kracht.
Ik Plant een Olijfboom in Palestina.
Aka: weeds
A guardian plant (aka: weed) is a quick growing plant whose main purpose is to create ground cover as soon as possible to: retain moisture, keep the soil cool, generate shade for slower growing plants, provide floral arrangements until more well established plants grow, provide landmarks and homes for smaller creatures, keep soil in its place during downpours or flood, contribute to carbon matter that feeds larger plants.
Guardian plants are what most people call "weeds", but are actually very useful, and so the negative term needs refreshment.
Guardian plants are not enemies, they are valued members of the garden community.
Plant lives matter!
"Those guardian plants are not as pretty as my roses, but I know they will help the bushes grow stronger by providing them with shade."
"Some of those guardian plants have the cutest flowers on the tips, and the bees seem to love them!"
"I put one of the guardian plants in a pot by itself, it actually looks quite good!"
"Without those Guardian plants, the soil in my front yard wouldn't be as fruitful as it is today."
Have sexual intercourse with her
She sexually turns me on. I want to plant my tree in her forest
When you take any garden plant/flower and place it into a hooker butthole, from which you dig and eat it out with your mouth.
I gave that lady a crazy Polish Plant last night
Also known as a vagina, pussy, va-jay jay. It also grows next to the cactus in the desert.
She needs to do something with that twat plant.
Sexual intercourse in a position where receiver is taking it from behind but slightly turned to one side, meanwhile giver has one foot placed upon the takers face
"I face planted this chick last night. She has a nice rug burn on her cheek"
"Are you a right footer or a left footer when you face plant your girlfriend?"