Source Code

Sneaky Pete

during sex the pinky finger goes in a girls ass without them knowing.

E: last night i gave my girlfriend the old sneaky pete

P: That is so wicked

by apeman2000 June 25, 2009

74πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

a sneaky chef

Two people engaging in anal sex, male or female. The giving party is the chef, palming a handful of pepper. As the giver is about to enjoy a hearty climax he reaches down and around, tossing the pepper near the nasal cavity of the recieving party. At this point the reciever sneezes and is involuntarily forced to clench the spinchter while the giver reaches fruition. Thus making him, a sneaky chef.

Hey Steve watch out for Brad, he is a sneaky chef.

by edward connors January 1, 2008

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Sneaky Fart

A fart that results in you shitting yourself. It feels like it is going to be a normal fart but when you go to release the fart it is not just gaseous but also comes with out with liquid feces. The liquid feces is the sneaky part because it uses the fart as means to make you shit yourself.

I had a sneaky fart today when I was waiting for the bus so i had to run home to change my underwear.

by The_Pigs_vs_The_Fuzz February 7, 2011

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Sneaky Linking

When two people meet up, usually for a sexual encounter, secretly, without anyone knowing but those two people. Typically used by people on the DL in the homosexual community.

Jeff and Matt are sneaky linking and going down on one another.

by SneakyLinker95 October 30, 2020

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Sneaky Ninja

Have a friend hide in your closet before you bring a girl back. Turn off the lights before you start having sex with her. Before you finish, have your friend quietly come out of the closet and replace you. Then turn on the lights and yell 'SNEAKY NINJA BITCH!'

'dude, last night I totally sneaky ninja'd that bitch.'

'no way! what'd she do?'

'strangely, she was into it... she's fuckin wild man.'

by couchVIP March 1, 2009

23πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Sneaky Rafiki

A sexual act involving the period blood of the ladyfriend you've been plowing being placed on her forehead using your thumb. It is directly followed by you gently calling her "Simba".

Guy 1: Dude I gave Jess a sneaky rafiki last night!

Guy 2: ...... That's fucked up man.. *gives huge high five*

by dirty old man dan March 18, 2014

29πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Sneaky Salamander

When you sneak your slippery arm between someone elseΒ΄s whose hand is currently on their side or in their pocket and say Β¨Sneaky Salamander!Β¨

1. Ryan snuck up behind Tanner whose hands were currently in his pockets. Then suddenly he sneakily pushed his arm between Tanners right one and ran off yelling SNEAKY SALAMANDER!!!!

by Al Lahu Akbar June 20, 2016

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž