A norwegian term, which can be tranlated to "calling the moose". If someone "roper på elgen" i.e. calls for the moose, he is hurling. When someone is hurling, the sound often resembles that of a moose, hence the term, "rope på elgen".
Norwegian: Arne har drukket altfor mye, nå er han på do for å rope på elgen.
English: Jack obviously had too much to drink, he's in the toilet calling for the moose right now.
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when your dung aint clung after it comes out your bung
damn woman! check out my velvet rope in the tarlet!
2👍 9👎
1. yo last night was dope.
last night was rope a dope
2.do you want the donkey punch
do you want the rope a dope
rope a dope
4.suck it
rope a dope
5.rope a dope
rope a dope
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To pwn passing motorized vehicles (and even retarded pedestrians) by 2 people standing on opposite sides of the road and pretending to pull a "rope" across said road. Cars will usually stop and an awkward situation will occur.
Carl: Dude, lets go narb on some cars by doin' the invisible rope trick.
Carl Jr: Hell yeah!
14👍 2👎
Electrician Slang for Nonmetalic sheathed cable!
Hey dude give me a piece of Okie Rope so I can tie down my ladders on the truck!
1👍 3👎
To insert your mother's meatloaf in your rectum while your family watches and your friends wait patiently for your return to the Xbox
:Hey guys where did Danny go?
:oh he's just roping out right now, I'm sure he'll be back soon.
5👍 3👎