Source Code

Jizzabelle Shitter

A Cunt

That person is such a Jizzabelle Shitter.

by Chris pears February 9, 2018

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Kitchen Shitter

People who, despite the existence of another, distant bathroom in the house, insist on 'blowing out' in the bathroom adjacent to the kitchen.

Lord, we're trying to cook dinner in here Bubba. Don't be a Kitchen Shitter! Take that shit down the hall!

by Gregory & Tari January 7, 2011

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Piss Shitters

A pair of underwear used to keep piss and shit off of your pants.

Hey Bud, I gotta put on a pair of piss shitters.

by Randybobandy September 11, 2017

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shitter's remorse

The void of moisture in your body after the act of defecation while already dehydrated. The mental and physical emptiness felt after taking a gigantic shit.

Gordo knew he would soon have "shitter's remorse" as he gazed with dehydration at the over flowing port-a-johns on the third day of the music festival.

by Shady Jay April 20, 2011

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Vulnerable Shitter

Some person in the act of shitting and is walked in on and is proceeded to be filmed and showed to people who thinks he/she is the shit.

That Vulnerable shitter slapped his pee pee on the resaurant table and proceeded to ejaculate all over the place with no remorse.

by The aaaaaaa March 7, 2003

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Mother Shitter

What Derrek yells when he trips

*Derrek is walking and trips on a crack*---->:"Ahh! you Mother Shitter!"

by Blackstarlink182 July 1, 2003

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Twitter Shitter

A public bathroom stall with covered in tweets. These tweets are usually sexual or graphic in nature and usually posted by anonymous. Twitter Shitters are more commonly found in male restrooms. However, the dirtiest and meanest shitters are found in high school girl washrooms.

Guy1: " Dude, I just came back from the bathroom and somebody fuckin wrote all about their monster shit they had while jerkin off! It was fuckin disgusting"

Guy2: "Well that's what you get for goin in the Twitter Shitter."

by febrEEze99 July 20, 2009

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