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Gelina Grey

In the world of medieval online role-playing under AOL, there is a character named Gelina Grey, and she is played by a fantastic mun (mundane self). She has been around for quite some time, and is known in many incarnations, though her most recent is The Goddess of Dragons, The Dark Phoenix of the realms, and she is the leader of the Kingdom of GoldenMyst currently. She has been affiliated with infamous characters like The Dark Lord Magus Lee, Caelum Lupus, and Nicho.

"That Gelina Grey is one stubborn, tough bitch."

by Kaliandra April 8, 2009

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Elisha Grey Syndrome

Developing a new idea independently (i.e., without assistance of others), only to discover that someone else has already developed the same idea.

Named for Elisha Grey, who invented the telephone independently of and at the same time as Alexander Graham Bell. Though they filed for patents on the same day, Bell won the patent battle in court.

I had a brilliant idea the other day about how this neighborhood really could use a donut-shop. Then, I found out one is scheduled to open next week. Guess I have Elisha Grey Syndrome.

by Madapplejack March 19, 2011

Grey Air forces

They the hybrids of black and white air forces, they are quiet but fucking dangerous. Anybody who disturbs these hybrids will get rock on set, they will lose it and they won’t hold back once they’re mad so I prefer for you to just leave the grey air forces niggas alone. They do not think violences first but once you piss them off violence is their middle name.
If you see a dark grey Air Force nigga run don’t even bother tryna fuck with him or her because if they have a weapon they will use it.

“Hey dude he’s wearing a grey Air Force”
“Damn that’s tuff

Damn these Grey Air Forces niggas don’t play

by Creator X November 29, 2019

dir en grey

A Japanese rock group comprised of five members:

Kyo - vocal/lyric
Kaoru - guitar
Die - guitar
Shinya - drums
Toshiya - bass

Movers and shakers of the jrock and visual industries; they have a large (relatively speaking, anyway. the average american teen has probably never heard of them) fanbase in the USA. Their music is very diverse and, in my opinion, quite good.

I am a rabid jrock fangirl that loves a man in a miniskirt and full makeup. Hence, I am a big fan of the band Dir en grey.

by JellyMeh January 16, 2005

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dir en grey

Jrock (Japanese rock) band consisting of 5 members: Kyo - vocalist, Die - guitarist, Kaoru - guitarist, Shinya - Drummer, Toshiya - Bassist.

Examples of other jrock bands are X - Japan, Gazette, Merry, and Nightmare.

by Ally April 2, 2005

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rusty earl grey

when three afro americans stand around one white woman and one sticks his man genitals into the anus of the woman, while the other two stand and yell random things such as "freak that bitch out tone" or "clown on her". then after a brief period of the genitals being lodged in the anus the male removes his testicles only to dabble them into the mouth of the woman like a tea bag.

Jesse: yo, what u get into last nite?
Ray: oh you kno jus a lil earl grey action
Jesse: Rusty Earl Grey or Not?
Ray: Rusty
Jesse: Sounds like a good night.

by EEEEKLSALDFK March 23, 2008

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50 shades of Grey

A book written by some author who clearly hasn't gotten any in a while. In the book, a naïve little bitch named Anastasia Steele, likes to have sex with Christian Grey, who likes to have lots of kinky, hot, dirty sex, and even though she doesn't really like it all that much, she decides to stay with him for a while. They have sex in the tub and in the bedroom and pretty much everywhere, the book is basically about two people having nasty, naughty sex. The sex scenes are boring however, because Ana talks like a little innocent Mary Sue virgin, who acts reluctant instead of moaning like a good girl and an obedient little whore. I don't know, one of my friends showed me some scenes in the book, and they were pretty boring.

Here's a typical sex scene from 50 shades of Grey:

Ana (thinking): He's so hot! I must have him, I wonder what he'll do

Chris: Okay bitch, come here.

Ana: Okay
Chris (whips ana with something).
Ana thinks: This is just the beginning, it'll be over, I should enjoy this but I don't
Chris: Yeah....Now suck my cock
Ana: Okay (thinks) is this the good part, I'm hoping I do a good job, I wouldn't want him to leave me. Yes, I think it's good, he seems pleased, his dick is still hard, so in health class, that means he's excited. I wonder what will happen next
Chris: Good girl, good girl
Ana: (thinks) Yes... once more.

The book would have been more exciting if it had went like this.

Ana (spread eagle): Alright Chris, do whatever you like. (Shakes ass)
Chris: (Takes belt and hits ana with it) How you like that, bitch.
Ana: Yeah, do it again! I love that, hit that ass, hit that pussy!
Chris: Suck my cock bitch!
Ana: Gladly, mmm, yummy cock.

Chris: Moans, good girl, suck harder
Ana: Yeahhhhh.

The book would have been more entertaining to read if the scenes had been written like this. I apologize if I made you get hard.

by Trajayjay June 26, 2013

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