Source Code

Weiner Bleeder

Noun. Verb

A penis that bleeds. Kind like a period but it happens one day a week mostly on a wednesday

Noun example :
September-"He's such a Weiner Bleeder"

Verb Example:
Mitchell-"Dude, I'm Weiner Bleeding today"
Kyle-"Awh man, I was Wenier Bleeding yesterday."

by KittySock October 15, 2009

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weiner muncher

a person who either sucks or eats a mans cock
also used as an insult to some one who would be calling you a name like carpet mucher ect
very good to confuse people becuase they may not have a clue on what your saying

person 1 ; hay your gay
person 2 ; piss off you weiner muncher
person 1 ; huh ?
person 2; i thought so !

by Miss Cameron May 15, 2007

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Balls and Weiners

When your friend who is very caveman like decides to have sex with a girl in the dark and goes down to far past the pussy and into the anal region and decides that he can't take that kind of emberassment and becomes Homosexual for life and enjoys pink sock

My friend caveman missed the hole and so now he is balls and weiners all the way..

by Vv Rick Ross January 25, 2009

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she weiner

vulgar term for female genititilia

"Check out that chicks she weiner"

by bubba 14 July 25, 2006

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Massachusetts Weiner

An uncircumsized penis

Bill has a Massachusetts Weiner.

by Cap'n Handi December 6, 2002

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in betweener weiner

The man in a 2 girls 1 guy "roommate" situation, particularly if the man is between the 2 girls.

Victor is the in betweener weiner in Joanna and Betsy's "roommate" situation.

by Uhc July 2, 2009

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asian weiner

a small dick

an asian weiner is a small dick

writen by dylan k

by d-l-k February 17, 2016

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