Source Code

I pledge allegiance to the South of the Confederate States of America. And to the confederacy, for which it stands, one nation, under God, divisible from the Union, with Liberty and Justice for the South.

Maybe the confederacy pledge? I dunno.

Please rise for the Pledge of Confederacy. "I pledge allegiance to the South of the Confederate States of America. And to the confederacy, for which it stands, one nation, under God, divisible from the Union, with Liberty and Justice for the South."

by Random Words & Definitions May 29, 2024

Santopolis Union

The Santopolis Union is a Micro-State located in the heart of the State of Tennessee.
The Nation is a Democratic Oligarchy, The kings of which are King Lewis, and King Cole.

Be Glorius OUR Free Santopolis!

The Santopolis Union is a Democratic Oligarchy, nd a well made nation.

by santishere February 4, 2022


Partnership between two or more transgender people.

Laverne is part of a trans-union.

by Jacque Strapt August 22, 2023

Tiddy Lovers Union

Tiddy Lovers Union(TDU)
World best and fastest(arguably) growing religion. Created by Tiddy after getting frustrated with all the same old boring religions.

Tiddy Lovers All Over the World Unite.

Wow, youre a follower of Tiddy Lovers Union? Thas dank. Lemme suck your cock. Please.

by The Tiddy November 19, 2020

a union of moons

Like a pack of wolves or a horde or zombies, a union of moons is a group of unsavoury paedophiles getting together at night.

A union of Moons is having an online meeting, let's hope the hunters are out tonight

by PH Basher June 11, 2024

Union rules

Wha... What do you mean "actors can't actually have sex when they film sex scenes!?" She should be able to consent to whoever she wants whenever she wants! What next!? Are you going to try to stop the female employees of group homes for the developmentally disabled from fucking the clients!? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!

Hym 😨 "Union rules!? You mean... I've been masterbating to FAKE SEX SCENES!? UERGH! UUUUGH!! 🤢 Why would you do that!? OOOHOHOHOHO!!! YOU GUYS ARE IN FOR IT NOW! I've been defrauded! I... I'm... I'm suing everybody for this! You bastards are going to pay for every wasted sperm! HHUEEGH! 🤢 Ugh! I'm suing everybody! I'm suing Ann Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal for that bullshit pill movie! I'm suing Brad Pitt and Angela Jolie for that spy movie! Everyone's getting it! You SICK bastards! FUCK! 🥺 I FUCKING HATE YOU GUYS..."

by Hym Iam June 21, 2023

Union County Highschool Patriot Band

oh god they're all gay.

Person one: Who are you and why are you in my house?
Person two: I'm a member of the Union County Highschool Patriot Band.


"Golf on three. 1, 2, 3"

by Evan 🌱 November 21, 2021