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Monte Wasted

Formerly known as "white girl wasted"

When you get so drunk you go through the night doing shenanigans such as yelling the N word, hitting on girls, puking on other peoples shoes and clothes then sitting on them

"Dude I got white girl wasted last night"

"No you didn't. You go Monte Wasted!!"

by The Cream Machine24_24 March 8, 2013

Waste of mouth

A wasted effort to explain something

Why do I have to explain that? It’s a waste of mouth!” -the applicant said to the interviewer

by guzzelle April 2, 2019

DaPhNe WaStEd

To get completely fucked up with only two shots to the point where you can no longer control yourself physically or mentally.

Tonight I think ima get daphne wasted .

by April 8, 2022

embryo wasted

The act of getting so drunk, you pull a lucy and pass out in any given spot.

Dude, I got so embryo wasted last night, I passed out face down in a lawn.

by kenluckatal November 27, 2012

food waste


There is such a large amount of food waste.

by TeaChan January 26, 2017

waste of spunk

When someone is such a useless piece of shit, they are commonly referred to as "a waste of spunk"

Daniel you are such a ginger waste of spunk

by Drivetribe January 14, 2018

waste of stalk

When you're in a black hole of stalking profiles and accidentally like something on a randoms profile and you're caught, and they aren't even attractive so there's no benefit, therefore, waste of stalk. Those individuals being stalked will be referred to as stalk wasters.

Alycia: I did it again!! Just liked a random persons post!
Nikki: Silly thumbs! Was he hot?
Alycia: Nope
Nikki: hahahaha
Alycia: Waste of stalk

by Kleatus June 16, 2020