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date clothes

the perfect outfit that you wear on a date. usually causes your date to lose his/her breath and comment on your stylish duds.

Mark really brought his game by wearing his best date clothes.

by Smitty the Snail May 28, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

$8.00 Date

Between two men where one man needs lunch money, and the other wants a mental snapshot of the other's anus.

The rules are simple. For $8.00, one man spreads his cheeks and the other gets a 15 second peek at his hole.

You can look, but don't touch.

"Hey Brian, you want an $8.00 date?"

"Sure Tom."

Brian pays Tom $8.00, and Tom spreads his cheeks for 15 seconds. Win-win.

by None4MeThanks January 7, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

dating Jesus

1. A Christian who's not dating because they are waiting for God to reveal their spouse. Made popular by the book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" by Joshua Harris
2. A Christian who's not dating for one of the following reasons; intensely in love with God, fear relationships, fear intimacy, dating is just to much work, socially awkward, etc.

Don't bother asking her out, she's "dating Jesus".

by linuxgrl February 12, 2008

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slut date

A girl that lets you fuck her without you really knowing her.

Have you ever met Cari? Yeah I know that slut date.

by JayDay October 12, 2006

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quantum dating

In romantic terms, that practice which constitutes the smallest possible amount of dating, which can still be considered dating.

I meet Caroline on the way in to work at the same time every day, and for the smallest fraction of a second longer than would occur strictly by chance our eyes lock together, and nothing else worth noting happens but we're cool about it. I guess you could say we're quantum dating.

by Fearman December 12, 2007

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bitch date

When a guy thinks he's going out to a date with a girl, but it turns out she just wants to "hang out and chat" like he's one of the girls.

So I went out with Sarah, but it turned out to be a bitch date. All she did was talk about girl stuff and asked me how to ask out my friend.

by Mister Darcy December 7, 2005

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"Unofficially Dating"

A process that happens before dating.
When two people are getting to know each other.Trying to figure out if they like each other.

If you went to the movies just with him and your not officially dating then its called "Unofficially Dating".

by Pazzilssss January 11, 2009

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