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Clarinet Gang

A group of people in a band who play Clarinet. They can have many mottos but the most popular is "Squidward is love Squidward is life"

Did you hear the clarinet gang's motto

by Boardgamemaster10 May 10, 2022

Moose Gang

A global network of mysterious elites who hide their identities with the moose Snapchat filter. Upon using the filter, uttering the phrase “MOOSE GANG” or using the signature 3 finger “M” sign, one becomes the moose and pledges their allegiance to the gang.

Currently the network spans across 4 countries including the US, Trinidad and Tobago, South Korea, and China, and it is expanding everyday.

As stated by carltruecarl, whose definition is officially endorsed by Moose Gang Worldwide (he is one of the original founders) Moose Gang does not discriminate, Moose Gang welcomes all with open arms to join its ranks and become part of the Moose Gang Brotherhood. There are many world powers, most of whom are currently at odds, but it is important that they know one thing: no one can stop the MOOSE GANG.

Non moose: Yo bro I kinda want to join the Moose Gang.
Moose: Yeah for sure bro, just send me a moose pic.
Non moose: *sends moose pic on snapchat*
*Both Mooses Celebrating* “ayyye MOOOSE GAAAANGG!!!!”

by moosegangworldwide July 31, 2020

Elf Gang

For people who look like elves from Skyrim

Usually pale and very rude
Also lacks taste in everything
Leader is Selene other name Egirl

Hey did you know she’s part of Elf Gang

by Sk3ptical October 10, 2019

Juice gang

A gang full over hard ass people who got each others back even when they are against each other at the time

Yoo did you hear about how juice gang made them big bills

by JuiceGangerCuh October 17, 2019

gecko gang

A group of people who watch or have watched twitch streamer "agamingplayer" at any given point in time.

Yes, I am a member of the gecko gang.

by notveryfair September 21, 2021

Omlet gang

Omlet gang is a rap group founded by Jajce and Virsla followed by Piperka and Patlidzan, they have come up with their first album "Traumi na Sholja" and their hit single "Mi se sere", it is rumoured that they will be going on Omlet tour this summer! Make sure to check on updates and dates for the tour!

"Hey i really like Omlet gang, they are very good looking people and are huge stars in the music industry!"

by Jajce July 18, 2021

Feet Gang

The Sole Movement. The feet of humans are important and should be respected. It’s not just another gang affiliation but a lifestyle and a movement.

Shoe gang in the streets, Feet gang in the sheets.

by The Preacher of the Good Word December 11, 2020