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Kendal the sheep

This is a girl who is a sheep. She loves bahahahaing like a sheep. Kendal is obsessed with a guy named Cole. Kendal the sheep doesent know how big Coles dump-truck is what a shame. Kendal the sheep wants to gobble Cole up like coleslaw

I just ran over kendal the sheep

by Long Candlestick September 23, 2021

smart sheep

someone who goes with everyone else and doesn't really have their own opinion, but when everyone does something so stupid that there could be terrible consequences, they tone it back.

"will Sarah be alright at that party? it's gonna have a lot of people. "
"oh, she'll be fine. she's a smart sheep."

by dumb cluck April 12, 2018

two sheep

the eastern europian way to say TWO SHITS.

for two sheep i fuck off back home me, two sheep

by sky high October 29, 2008

Sheep Shaggers

Sheep shaggers are inhabitants of a small continent off the coast of New Zealand, Commonly known as Australia.
These Aussies blame Kiwis (New Zealanders) for the cum filled sheep that get exported to various other countries such as America or Britian.

Unknown to many, Sheep shaggers are actually bred by Kangaroos and live in their pouches until ready to face the world. They have high pitched nasally voices and tend to say "Sex" instead of "Six", or "Fush and Chups" instead of Fish and Chips. G'day instead of "good day"

They also believe they invented Pavalova first, where as New Zealand did, for Anna Pavlov.

1) Kiwi: Bro, What are you doing to that poor sheep?

"Sheep Shaggers" : Im just seing if i can six him sex times. It helps with the tenderising when we send it to those Americans.

2) Ew look at those damn Sheep Shaggers, hes calling that poor lamb his mate!

by Kiwichick November 22, 2008

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Can be used as an insult or another name of a new zealander, or farmer

"where is he from?"
"oh, he's a sheep-shagger."

by xXxshawtyxXx November 27, 2006

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Super Sheep

a lame wannabe cartoon charicter made up by a retarded alcoholic in his early teens and can be seen on a muppets computor machine making many failed attempts to save Drogheda and its inhabitants. Supersheep was originally made for masterbation purpuses and was later decided that it was too undeniably queer.

Gobshite 1. lets have a wank to a picture of a cartoon sheep!
Gobshite 2. yea lets....!!!
Gobshite 3 "smack!"
All Gobhites: we love Super Sheep. because we are as gay as that man of the telly.

by Crosby November 11, 2006

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Green Sheep

A term used to describe fans of a CFL team called The Saskatchewan Roughriders. Roughrider fans are known to dress in all green during football games and are collectively known to worship their only major league sports team as though it were a God or religion. Most, if not all, Roughrider fans are blind, staunch supporters of their team even when the team has the worst standings in the league...this is largely due to their boredom, as there is little else to do in Saskatchewan but drink and dress in green.

The green sheep weeped when the Roughriders lost.

by MrRados November 21, 2010

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