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A thot is a person who dresses and acts slutty. Thot is an acronym for That Hoe Over There. Stop being a thot hunter.

Dude 1: hey bro have you seen hunter?
Dude 2: yeah he's a total THOT!

by Mega Thot March 12, 2019

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A person (mostly a girl) to dress to get Sex, money, love, and fame

Joe: I see a thot

Group of people: be gone thot!!!

by KeyboardPotato0.13 September 24, 2021

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Acronym for That Hoe Over There, but never in the full length usually just THOT, basically a girl who's had more dick in her mouth than she has had food.

Guy: oh you're dating Her?
Guy 2: Yh
Guy: but she a thot bro
Guy 3: just smash and dash (FUCK then leave) bro

by Kaitylau May 4, 2018

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Bitches on instagram who think they're all that. There is several kinds but one of the most well known are e-thots which are the who have premium snaps and such.

That thot sucks the lot of em off.

by NothingG.A.Y January 14, 2019

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(T.hat H.oe O.ver T.here) a Thot is a person who is dating more than one individual.

Kennedy is such a thot.
Your a thot.

by Bsudv June 2, 2017

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Hey Monique just got with her 3rd boyfriend this week what a THOT

by Obamaaaaaa April 10, 2019

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Turtles Have One Tail

Boy: *taking a test* How many tails do turtles have?
Girl: *whispers* thot

by smartness13 April 11, 2018

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