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Trump bumping

1. An incestuous act with patriotic overtones.

2. Sexually abusing a sex worker, and covering it up with hush money.

- Greg was trump bumping his cousin the whole time they were up there "storming the capital" on January 6th, 2022.

- Many royals of the past engaged in Trump bumping in an effort to preserve their royal bloodlines (for the good of the nation, of course.)

by Flabbertyflibbit March 2, 2023

gratitude bump

When you do a favor for a friend, they owe you a bump.

Austin ask's Jesse to get him liquor, now he owes him a gratitude bump.

by steve randy March 25, 2015

bump five

what happens when there is miscommunication and one person goes for a fist bump while the other goes for a high five.

even more awkward is the chest bump version of the bump five.

obama and rahm emanuel shared an awkward celebratory fist bump five soon after they won the election.

ray lewis collided violently with poe in an impromptu chest bump five. poe sustained a sprained wrist and bruised ribs.

by sudoer extraerrorordinaire November 16, 2009

Bill bump

The act of hitting one’s hat bill to another.

“Yo, Amanda totally just bill bumped me!”

by xjondarkx September 29, 2018

beetle bumps

The act of recieving many extra lives on the original Super Mario Bros. for Nintendo. At the end of world 8-1 you bounce on the beetle coming dowm the stairs leading to the castle thus increasing your extra lives.
The same as turtle tips except much harder to do.

Tim: Dude, don't forget to get your beetle bumps at the end of world 8-1 because you really suck at this game and need all the extra lives you can get.
Jeff: Oh yeah; thanks for reminding me.

by Copernicus P Einstein July 2, 2009

Bump Uglies

Bogan or redneck term for sex.

Bumping Uglies is the term for doing it right now.

Wanna go and Bump Uglies?

I can hear the neighbours Bumping Uglies.

by Chookie D Bomb July 4, 2021

Whore Bump

Deep Pimples That Are Usually Infected and Refuse To Pop.

This damn whore bump is ruining my face, can't even hide it.

by SugarBear22 October 12, 2018