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bicycle chain

A 69 circle. Everyone is linked together in a circle, with one person on their back and the next on their stomach and so on so everyone is giving and receiving.

Person 1: I hear they had an orgy at Mary's house.
Person 2: I heard they even formed a bicycle chain.

by Tall One Guy July 16, 2017

Alice In Chains

1 of the big 4 grunge bands. Made some of the best fuckin bangers, featuring Layne Staley's amazing singing and Jerry Cantrell's amazing guitar skills. You may have heard some of they're songs like man in the box, them bones, would, down in a hole, nutshell and a shit ton more. Check out their unplugged, it's fuckin awesome. Alice in Chains and Nirvana are hands down my favorite grunge bands.

Yo dude have you listened to the album dirt?
Yeah man, Alice in Chains rocks!

by CSkyhawk May 20, 2021

alice in chains

Alice in Chains (AIC for short) is an American grunge rock band which was formed in the late '80s. Along with Nirvana and Soundgarden, Alice in Chains is one of the best grunge rock bands to have ever existed (and my personal favourite one). With songs like "Man in the Box", "Rooster", "Rotten Apple", "Would?", "Again" and their best album "DIRT" they talk about fear, depression, axniety, sorrow and anger. Unfortunately their vocalist Layne Staley died in 2002 by heavy drugs usage. Now their are still performing with William Duvall as the vocalist and have brough albums like "Black Gives Way to Blue" (2009) and "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here" (2013). One of the best, if not the best, grunge rock bands to have ever existed.

"I know Nirvana is a good band, bu Alice in Chains kick ass when it comes to grunge rock"
"I bought the "Facelift" album by Alice in Chains today morning! Gonna blast it to full volume now!"

by Sierra7 January 4, 2017

status chain

When one person changes their status, and then other people either make the exact same status, or change their status because of it.

Bob: Dude, I changed my status to "with my girl", and Ryan totally status chained me

Joe: Oh don't I know it. Pretty soon my whole facebook news feed was full of people apparently "with their girls"

by urherlurr February 18, 2011

yank chain

(Verb) To pull a split lower than 1:30.
Synonomous with: to rip (specifically in regards to fat ergos)

All I want to do is yank chain, I don't understand all the hype about "boats."

by heyygurlll November 25, 2017

Chain Poke

Chain poking is the practice of sexing several sexual partners in succession, sometimes using the condom of a finished sexsesssionto continue the next. The term chain poker often also refers to a person who fornicates relatively constantly, though not necessarily chaining each sexual partner.

Jason chain poked his date with that busty girl from tilly's last night

by MasterPancake February 25, 2020

alice in chains

A grunge band that first came in 1990 with the release of their album "Facelift". Other albums/EPs include "Sap", "Jar of Flies", "Dirt", and "Alice in Chains".

Alice in Chains was the darkest and best band of the grunge era. They were most recognized for their album "Dirt", in which Layne Staley, the lead singer, used heroin as his main inspiration.

The band would break up in '95, and Layne would die from a heroin overdoze in 2002.

Narcotic-inspired music is always great.

by aic_andy June 13, 2004

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