A synonym for killed, murked, offed, whatever.
Carrying a knife. Like strapped, but for knives instead of guns. Folding knives have pocket clips to attach them to your belt/pants.
Just bought this new Benchmade and I love it... Never used to carry a knife, but now I always stay clipped.
When you’re snapping a 10/10, and you say something completely outrageous, and she screenshots it, or saves it in chat.
bro I can’t believe jessica clipped you asking to suck her toes
When it is over for someone or it is quiet for someone because they are taking an big L
“Damn, it’s clipped for Rat Quinn the rest of the year”
(adj.) great, noteworthy, highlighted
You missed it. Rainbow told a joke in Ms. Anderson's class and it was clipped.
To get fired.
Did you hear Karla got clipped yesterday for calling out with her friend Nicole.
A term often used in the Sopranos... "Carmine overstepped, he's gonna get clipped"