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corn chunkin

When you pull your cock out of the prostitutes ass and there is a kernel of corn on the tip of your dick. You then with an erect cock pull down and fling the corn at her like a pumpkin chunkin competition. Bonus points if you can get it in her mouth to send it another round through her

Friend: bro! I got luck with a prostitute last night and had an opportunity for some corn chunkin

Me: Tell me you got bonus points

Friend: sure did!

by Tictac Cadillac October 11, 2020

loose corn

Loose corn is used to describe corn that is not in the natural cob state. It can come in a can, frozen or have just been manually removed from the cob. Just saying "corn" isn't clear so we must conform to the binary options of "loose corn" or "corn on the cob".

Edric: Let's order the corn. Does that sound good to you?
Veronica: Depends on if it's loose corn or corn on the cob.
Edric: Good call, this isn't completely clear and madness. Let's check with the waiter.

by thisisedric December 17, 2019

Corn Sludge

derrogitory/slang term for HFCS

Most drinks have corn sludge in them, not pure sugar.
Corn Sludge has replaced sugar in sodas.

by M0T0RH3D November 5, 2006

corn bumps

Bumps that are detected by the rectal tissue as they pass during a bowel movement created from eating copious amounts of corn. This is especially apparent when the anus is already inflammed from roids or itchy because of other dietary choices that were unwise.

I could feel all my corn bumps from all that corn salsa with my asshole as I took a nice greasy shit this morning.

by PixieGirl1973 March 11, 2019

Corn Factor

The level of corny-ness in a given situation

{really corny moment in a movie occurs}
Wow, haha can I just point out the corn factor right about now??

"Dude, American Gladiators has an unmeasurable corn factor"

by driver_wanted November 4, 2009

Corn flickin’

An act of anal intercourse in which the erect penis is quickly flung out of the anus, catapulting pieces of corn into the air

Last night I saw Sherry and Criss corn flickin’ in the back of Ryan’s truck!

by Cornflicker69 June 30, 2021

crown of corns

Defecating across a person’s forehead especially after eating corn.

“I ate a lot of street corn at dinner and later that night I gave her a crown of corns

by Space C0wb0y February 23, 2021