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hop on counter strike

Slang for aggressive, fruitful gay sex.

Yo bro, hop on counter strike”
“No, that game sucks ass.”

by Hexagonic February 27, 2024

counter rizz

/ ˈkaʊntə ɹɪz / noun, adjective, verb

The psychological process designed to capture the victim's sense of guilty pleasure by implementing a derivation of 'Reverse Psychology' commonly used in the fields of:

1. Rizzology
2. Quantum Rizzics
3. Rizztraining Practices

"He just counter rizzed them by cheating on his girlfriend! he's such a player!"

by cccclllll November 16, 2023

Grabbing Counter

Getting fucked in the ass, nominally while bent over a countertop. Kitchen, bathroom, or other. Often leads to formica under the fingernails.

Tough week at work, the boss has me grabbing counter about the mistake on that last project.

by levarselosmonos June 14, 2016

counter troll

Answering the troll with such outmost sincerity it completely wrecks the whole point of trolling.

- Jeez, don't feed the trolls.
- Shut-up and counter troll the mf instead.

by Mr. Cocksson December 3, 2017

Counter crutch

To counter crutch is to resist engagement because of fear of being rejected. To feel shy.

The guza was too peng so I counter crutched.

by Cilantro January 18, 2021


A word used to describe the paradox of inclusiveness when it includes ideas that are anti-inclusive.

The extension of freedom of speech to ideas opposed to it is an example of counter-inclusivism. The word is meant to be descriptive and merely describes a situation of counter-inclusiveness and is also different from anti-inclusivism.

In my analysis, I shall demonstrate how the dilemma free societies face on how to deal with anti-democratic and illiberal forces is the apex of counter-inclusivism.

by Jazztea February 10, 2022


1-a very violent internet based game in wich you kill as many people as possible with all sorst of weapons.

2-an online game by valve based on the source engine, wich is also used by half-life 2

1-Jack Thompson thinks counter-strike is bad

2- i killed alot of people in counter-strike with all sorts of weapons

by Llamaparty March 26, 2009