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cyber running

when you constantly log on and off trying to escape someone who keeps talking to you.

boy: back so soon?
girl: sorry, i have to go. bye.
boy: okay, bye.

5 minutes later.
boy: back.
girl:noodles has to go on. goodnight.
*logs off
"phew, cyber running is tiring."

by ninja[: March 6, 2009

1👍 1👎

cyber lobotomy

A lobomoty performed by satilights.

Hey i just got my cyber lobotomy, you should get one too.

by Irdjk June 21, 2021

Cyber Binoculars

An online device that allows you to get a closer look at someone without them knowing about it. The ultimate people watching device. Examples: Facebook, Twitter....

Chick: "My ex is an asshole but I cant help it...I have to bust out my cyber binoculars and stalk his Facebook page!"

by JustinDeever October 4, 2010

Cyber pushing

One who is addicted to online sites like Facebook, Myspace, online trading, and pushes these sites to their friends in an effort to also get them hooked. Like a drug dealer pushing drugs to their victims.

My friend keeps cyber pushing Facebook and online trading to me and won't stop until I join.

by KLee123 March 10, 2009

cyber scream

To scream on a message app or somewhat over the internet (in all capital letters and/or multiple !'s or ?'s.). Usually not to be mean or rude, but can be.

I made this word up!

This is an example of a cyber scream.

On the internet:
Mean kid- "Do we have to write a report?"
Me- "What do you mean?"
Mean kid- "DO YOU HAVE TO WRITE A REPORT?!?!?!?!"
Me- "Gee, I dunno. Maybe that's why the assignment is called the Experiment Report."

by maili.art September 24, 2014


cyber-locked (similar to land-locked) is when you are stuck with a particular device or platform that limits your ability to perform tasks. For example there are many features of Ebay that cannot be accessed on an iPad, but are available on a PC.

For example there are many features of Ebay that cannot be accessed on an iPad, but are available on a PC. (Attaching photos to messages etc) - a person in this position could describe themselves as cyber-locked.

by vinylshrine November 10, 2013


The definition of cyber-murder is when a bullyor group of bullies uses social media sites, complaining platforms, apps that rate people or businesses, and/or any public third party site on the web to publish defamatory content with the intent to ruin a particular person and/or business. The content they publish typically uses the following illegal tactics: defamation, libel, harassment, humiliation, stalking, threatening, slander (when they actually speak), embarrassment, demeaning language, prejudicial phrases, absurd exaggerations, links to things totally irrelevant to the subject but containing negativity, misleading conjecture, incorrect information, and specific or general erroneous claims backed by "evidence" which is fraudulent, doctored, and/or of a nature that would be absolutely unacceptable to use in real life or a court case.

Susie was so envious of the attention and positive reception that Mercedes' new business was receiving that she recruited some strangers she met in a Facebook group to launch a calculated cyber-murder attack on the business.

by PurpleMercedes September 13, 2017