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A nice, smart, pretty, and all around amazing girl to be around. An Emma is artistic,fun, creative, and has a contagious smile. She will stun you with her long blonde hair and color changing green and brown eyes. Emma's enjoy hanging around guys more then girls and would much rather have them as friends. Do not lose an Emma! Because if you do, you will spend the rest of your life regretting it.

Boy 1: Wow! Look at Emma! Shes so pretty!
boy 2: I know! I wish she was mine!
Boy1: She has a contagious smile that can light up the room!
Boy 2: I wish we were friends!

by Caleb Dawson 222 September 19, 2019


This is one of the top levels of inebriation. It is approximately 1.7 levels above being "turnt up" and exactly 7 levels above being "tipsy." Symptoms include; passing out mid party, throwing up, and being underage.

Guy#1: Bro, on a scale of one to emmaed, how drunk were you last night?
Guy#2: Did you see how ugly that girl I went home with was?! Of course I was emmaed!

by Thatguythatpostsstuff July 18, 2014


A truly truly amazing and beautiful human being that is so precious!<3 If you ever meet an Emma, never let her go, ever, she's too beautiful and amazing and funny to let go<3

Have ya'll seen Emma:) She is literally so so beautiful!!!

by Jman17 November 30, 2020


Lying moany git
Person who sucks up teachers asses
Makes out their life is harder than it is
Brags about what they have

1. "I never use my garage."
"Mine is only used for classic cars."
2. "Omg i hate my mum she bought me radley instead of prada."
3. "She was goin on about how the teacher hugged her again!!...Such an emma!!"

by hotbabeattheburgh.com January 30, 2008

277๐Ÿ‘ 519๐Ÿ‘Ž


cute, funny, sweet, loving, amazing, dog, animal, human, buddy, tiny.

she is, amazing, considered fabulous among friends, loves cheesecake (a little too much!) emma

by luna luna 3925 March 31, 2011

25๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


Emma is the greatest in the world. If you ever meet an Emma don't wack away from her keep her and be bff with her don't pass her up. She is a keep her she love to do thing she is not a fraid of foing thing...#besties

OMG it's Emma....I dare you to yell bertha

by Halogirlwtf December 4, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Emma is a amazing person who doesn't think she is herself.

Emma might have some depression but she can hide it under a smile and just some laughs.

Emma is a really good friend, she is always someone you can talk to when your down or if you're really excited about getting into a College or getting a letter saying that "you made it!, Your going to be a Idol" She is full on supportive, and nice.

A Emma is someone who is quiet at first but once you get to know them they are all over the place.

A Emma has a great imagination, so if you ever need help for a idea for a story or poem she always has your back.

Emma doesn't Love quickly, it's rare, so if you have a Emma crushing on you don't lose her!

Emma is a girl who is smart, pretty, and funny, shy, cute, but doesn't like sports that much.

Emma is that type of girl who will Help someone out in the hallway with stuff they need to carry or books they dropped. Emma is the kind of person everyone likes including, teachers, boys, stars, and strangers.

A Emma is someone who gets girls jealous because her personality is to perfect.

Girl: Hey Emma what's up?

Emma: Nothing much, may I ask how you knew my name?

Girl: Oh the boys over there were telling me about how perfect you are.

Boy: Guys you really need to become Emma's friend she is so funny and kind, she is a Daredevil!

Boy1: She sounds amazing!

Boy2: Yeah! Yesterday when I was taking a test in French class I forgot how to say "do you speak French" So she told me how to spell it and say it, now I have a A+ and my mom isn't kicking me out!

by Kim SeokJin March 31, 2018

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