The most amazing person to walk the planet. Yea sure he can be a bit sexy sometimes but we can look past that to his gorgeous face, he usually like football or surfing and can sometimes enjoy watching his girlfriend play animal crossing series 1 but he really want to watch his girlfriend play series 2, but she doesn’t allow it. He like Roblox and always loses in uno, but god forbid he wins because then he won’t stfu about it. He’s packing a 17 center metreer and doesn’t like being called bro but he does like y9s. He always want to buy people stuff even if they don’t consent and he won’t stfu about it. He’s probably Welsh but in denial about it and always claims to be from England but we can all see right through his little lies. He’s a little milk guzzler and can drink 12 gallons of semi skimmed milk in as little as 2 minutes if you give him the opportunity. He will take any opportunity to suck someone’s toes, particularly his fit girlfriends toes even tho the picture of her toes is 2 fucking years old. If you have a Finn in your life never let him go because he’s probably the best thing that will ever happen to you, even if you don’t want to admit it.
Girl 1 : “I met this perfect guy on Wizz”
Girl 2 : “was his name Finn by any chance?”
Girl 1 : “yea actually, it was”
Girl 2 : *😏*
Finn is the hottest, sexiest, cutest freaking man you’ll ever meet in your life! EVERY SKNGLE TOME YOU LOOK AT HIM ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS KISS THE HECK OUT OF HIM!! He is SO sweat and SO kind and all he wants to do is have a good time. His smile is so utterly… I don’t even have the word to describe how amazing his smile is that’s how hott it is!! They are so funny and so unique! They have an amazing personality and truth be told their kinda weird but their a good kinda weird. It’s the kinda weird where you just can’t get enough of it. I’m telling you if you EVER meet a Finn then NEVERRRRRR let him go. Also I did so many test and quizzes to see who goes best with a Finn (because I literally have nothing else to do with my free time) and almost all of the best results we’re Bella’s. So if you’re name is Bella and you just so happen to know a Finn… Then DANG girl.. you better go catch yourself a Finn! And to all of the Finns reading this.. let go of everyone else in your life and go Mary a Bella 😍😍
Random girl- Finn is so cute!
Bella- yea… tell me about it ☺️🙃
Finn- hey Bella! What are your plans for the day??
Bella- oh! I just so happen to be free today!
Finn- nice! So I guess I’ll see you later then??
Bella- yea, sure! I’ll text you..
Finn is gay. Everybody knows it. This was written in digital media so Finn if you see this hi it's your dad.
"Did you see that kid over there?"
"Yea. He looks pretty gay to me."
"Must be a Finn then."
erm hi, ur probs reading this cause i sent u a link to it after a deep chat. i just wanna say i love you millions, thanks for being my other half💘
finn is eves soulmate, she loves him more than anyone
A freakishly tall jokester with a warm mind but doesn't really understand the world that much
Finn-"I just got a new phone, search up anything you want" *types in por-
A lonely piece of shit who no one likes at all until you get to know him
Why is he so lonely I want to get to know Finn